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Harry: You guy fight fairly often because he is often in life threatening situations. However, they are never very serious.

Ron: You guys fight quite often, usually becaus Ron is jealous. Buy they are always small and end in hugs.

Draco: Draco is often upset, but he doesn't take his anger out on you. So you fights are often who gets to be the little spoon.

Fred: You disagree with some of the pranks they do. This often leads to little disagreements, but never full blown arguments.

George: You guys argue about the best way to pull a prank. And sometimes George gets jealous of how close you are with Fred. You guys fight, but its fairly rare

Neville: Neville will do anything he can to make you happy, and you do the same for him. You guys only ever disagree when Neville talks bad about himself, and you want him to see how amazing he is.

Cedric: You guys argue about little little things a lot. Fights happen sometimes when Cedric is frustrated with quidditch or his father.

A/n: I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever! I have a couple more preferences ready that I'll post over the next couple days. Love you guys lots!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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