" She's hot and she's close with Zhou Zhi too. She's attractive and that body on her too, wow. Does she play tennis?" Guan Yue said as I widen my eyes in shock.

" Yes." I stated as I kept my eyes on the match.

" Hmm. Well, I would like to play with her." He declared as I nodded.

" I'm leaving senior." I told him.

" I thought you're staying for all of it." He replied.

" I already saw what I needed to see." I told him as I walked off with my tennis racket bag. I pulled out my phone and I was a bit hesitant since my thumb was hovering over Zhi's contact.

Should I? It's for Jia. SHe's family and she's the one who holds all three of us together...I'm doing this for you Jia.

(Messages with Zhi and Yu)

Me: I'm doing this for Jia.

Zhi: What do you mean Yu?

Me: Guan Yue asked her out.

Zhi: She told me, what do you want to do about it?

Me: I don't know. I asked him why and he said, I quote "She's hot and she's close with Zhou Zhi too. She's attractive and that body on her too, wow. Does she play tennis?"

Zhi: Wtf?!

Me: That's what I'm saying bro!

Zhi: Did he say anything else?

Me: I answered him saying yes she does play tennis. He wants to play with her.

Zhi: Hmm. Okay. Hey, thank you for letting me know bro.

Me: Your welcome

Zhi: Bye

Me: Bye

(End of messages)

Your POV:

Yes! The golden partners did it again! They won. Now, it's time for singles.

I made my way over to them and high five them like Qiao Chen and the rest of them did. Lu Xia said that he wanted to go practice.

" Do you want to come with me?" He offered as I perked up and nodded.

" Sure, but I don't have my tennis stuff with me." I said a little disappointed.

" That's fine, you can use my spare racket and the clothes that your wearing now are suitable for tennis." He justified as I looked down at my outfit. The same blue pants as him and my manager Yu Qing jacket.

" Okay, I'll ask Coach if I can go first." I told him as he nodded.

I made my way over to Coach who was sitting on the bench.

" Coach, Lu Xia wanted to practice, can I go with him?" I asked politely as she smiled and nodded.

" Sure, I'm sure you'll give him a challenge." She praised as I smiled and then walked away. As I walked away, I passed Zhi who called for me before I could leave the area. I turned to him and Dayong, Jiale, Qiao Chen, Xinglong, and Baiyang was looking at me.

" What's up?" I responded to me bother.

" Where are you going?" He asked me as he raised his eyebrow. I internally rolled my eyes as then answered.

" With Lu Xia. I'm going to play tennis with him. Just so you know, he asked me to come and I said yes." I informed as he nodded. The others that were listening in seems interested too, especially Qiao Chen and Jiale. I could tell Xinglong and Dayong were trying to respect our privacy. 

The Same Guy│Lu XiaWhere stories live. Discover now