Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Tᴡᴏ- Tʜᴇ Dᴀɴᴄᴇ

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Two days later, and I was getting ready for the dance. I was attending with Noah Nightingale, who I despised. But I had to, for father. I had my dress on, and I was sitting in my room, styling my hair. I decided to pull two strands back at the front from either side, and curled it. My hair was naturally straight so it was something different. I sat in my room, trying not to think about how I would have to dance with Noah, act like I liked him, laugh at his jokes. I tried not to think about Kol dancing with another girl. Over the months I had known the Mikaelson family, I had grown to love them. But the love I felt for Kol was different.
"Ida! Come on child or we will be late!" I heard my father calling and rushed down the stairs, meeting my parents just as they were walking out the door. I followed them and we sat in the horse cart and were on our way.

Upon arriving, I could not help but admire the castle. It was magnificent. I stared at it, in complete awe, before I was interrupted by the clearing of a throat.
"Good evening, Miss Matthews."
I turned to him and put on my best polite smile. "Good evening Mr Nightingale. You're castle is beautiful, I could not help but admire." I told him. He smiled at this, before offering me his arm to take.
"May I lead you inside, My Lady?"
I nodded at him. "Yes you may."
He lead me inside, to find the ballroom full of people. I scanned the room looking for a familiar presence. My father and mother were over by the main table, speaking with Lord Nightingale. But they were not who I was looking for.
He was accompanied by one of the Nightingale siblings, Hattie. He was smirking at her, flirting with her. My blood boiled at the sight, but I pushed the feeling aside. He looked over at me, and I gave him a smile. Yet I quickly became confused when he did not return it, instead he just turned back to Hattie.

To take my mind off it, I focused on the song that was playing, and knew what was coming next. "Care to dance, Ida?"
I smiled at him. "I would love to Noah, thank you."
For the second time that night, my stomach twisted in disgust as I took his arm. We danced, and he flirted with me a lot. As to not annoy him, so that he would put in a good word for my father, I flirted back.
He pulled me onto the dance floor for almost every song. I hated it.
It wasn't the dancing I didn't like. It was the person I was dancing with.

It came much too slow, but eventually, the dance ended. I had said goodbye to Noah, and I was standing with Nik and Rebekah, waiting for a our families. Kol walked over, and instead of usually flashing me a smile and greeting me, he turned away, ignored me and stood on the other side, next to Rebekah.
I stopped talking to Nik and fell silent. The three siblings now, talked amongst each other, and I looked over at Kol, wondering what I had done wrong. Tears began to form in my eyes and my head had started pounding.
"Ida love, are you alright?"
I nodded at my best friend, before turning away, so he would not see me crying. Kol still said nothing. Rebekah and Nik comforted me, despite not knowing what was wrong. Soon after, my parents arrived, I wiped my face so they could not see me crying.
"I don't know what you did Ida dear, but it worked! Noah mentioned how lovely you were, and his father was extremely pleased. He gave me a job!" I smiled and clapped. "Well done father, we knew you would."
Before my parents could drag me off, I said my goodbyes to Nik and Rebekah, leaving Kol out of it, just as he had ignored me.

That night, I was lay on my bed. I was thinking about the dance, and what I could've possibly done to upset Kol. Whatever it was must have been serious. He wouldn't even look at me properly. I could not think straight, I was worrying about what I had done, and I just could not sleep.

"Kol, what was with you tonight?!" Nik badgered me once again, asking questions about the night's events.
I sighed, getting annoyed. "Nothing! What are you talking about?!"
"You know bloody well what I'm talking about! Ida! You were close over Christmas, we all saw it. You hugged her, and even though she doesn't know it, you bought her that locket. So why all of a sudden did you start ignoring her tonight?!"
I rolled my eyes. "She seemed quite occupied and content with the Nightingale boy, if you ask me."
"Is that what this is about? Jealousy?! If you're so jealous, tell her how you feel, that it was you who gave her that locket!" He shouted at me.
"I- I don't even like her that way! I'm not jealous!"
Nik scoffed at me. "Clearly! You're only not talking to her because she was FORCED to go with someone to a dance to help her father. You're an idiot Kol. She likes you just as much as you like her. Did you not see how upset she was getting because you were ignoring her. You better do something Kol because if you make her cry again I swear I will never speak to you again."

I lay in bed, thinking it over. I knew I liked her. Hell I was pretty sure I loved her at this point. Everything about her was perfect. Seeing her with someone else just made my skin crawl. I wanted to be able to call her mine, and no one else could ever have her. Part of me was just scared. She was amazing, maybe too amazing for me. Maybe I didn't deserve her. I'm flawed, while she is flawless. I'm impulsive, I'm jealous, and I have extreme anger issues. She doesn't need someone like that. But if Nik is telling the truth and she truly does like me the way I like her, I have to do something about it.

Forever His Darling// Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now