Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Oɴᴇ- Mᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ Tʜᴇ Fᴀᴍɪʟʏ

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I own none of the characters nor the storyline, except from Ida Matthews.


I followed my best friend to his hut, eager but nervous to meet his family.
"What if they don't like me Niklaus? What if they think me weird and awful and they send me straight away?" At this, Niklaus just chuckled and shook his head, as if it was the most bizarre thing he had ever heard.
"Hush now Ida love, you're my best friend, I would not let them send you away. Besides, they won't. They will love you as I do." He told me, making me smile. We entered, and there were three boys sitting in the first room, as well as one girl. All four heads shot up, upon hearing Niklaus's voice, accompanied by my own.
"Finn, Elijah, Rebekah, Henrik. This is my friend Ida." He said to them.
The youngest boy, Henrik, approached me. "Hello Miss Ida, if I may say, you are a beauty."
I giggled and allowed him to kiss my hand. "Why thank you, young Henrik. It is a pleasure to meet you." He smiled at this. Elijah and Finn then also walked to me, expressing their greetings, with me agreeing and reciprocating them. The girl Rebekah had come forward at this point, and instead of formally and politely speaking, she threw her arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back, knowing she must now look up to me as an older figure.
"I like you, little Miss Rebekah." I then whispered too her, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "I think you're my favourite. Shhh." She giggled at this, as did the rest of us.

We continued our talking, before a voice interrupted us. "Well well, who's this then?"
I looked up to find who must have been the other brother Kol. He was extremely handsome. His chocolate brown hair and his dark eyes were gorgeous.
"Kol," Niklaus sighed. "This is Ida. Ida, my brother Kol."
He flashed a smirk at me, to which I looked away. As handsome and intriguing as he was, one thing about him I could already tell was that he was cocky, and egotistical, much too egotistical for my liking.
We all carried on talking, Kol now also joining the conversation. I couldn't keep my eyes off him and as much as it annoyed me, I wasn't upset. He would look over at me every once in a while, and I would avert my gaze.

"Ida! Ida!" Nik ran up to me, looking ecstatic. "My parents agreed to let you spend Christmas with us!"
I leapt up in joy and me and my best friend high-fived. "This is going to be so cool."
We ran to my home, where I packed a bag of the things I would need. I packed enough for the week, and we were on our way back to the Mikaelsons little hut.
"Also, have you heard Ida? A week tomorrow, there will be a dance. And both of our family's are invited." He told me. I nodded at him.
"Oh I've heard alright. My father said if I'm rude to anyone there he will have my head!"
He laughed and we walked through the door, immediately being greeted by almost all his siblings, Rebekah throwing her arms around me, like she always does. "Hello there little Bex. Have you heard about the dance?" She nodded. "You get to dress up like a princess!"
"Are you going with anyone yet?" The little girl asked me. I nodded. By this point, Kol's head had snapped up to listen to the conversation. I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. I had known him for months and he never ceased to have this effect on me.
"My father, without my knowing too, promised my partnership at the dance to that bloody stuck up idiot Noah Nightingale. Trying to impress Lord Nightingale I think."
No one else noticed, and to be honest, I'm not sure I actually saw it correctly, but I looked over, to see Kol's eyes had darkened, out of anger and what looked like, jealousy.

Christmas with the Mikaelsons was peaceful compared to what it normally is in my house, and I had such a lovely time there. However, as the dance edged nearer, I found myself growing nervous. I hated Noah, but my father needed a job working for his father, and I could not let him down.
Christmas Eve was my personal favourite. We all got to open one present each. And so we sat down by the tree, me and all 6 of the siblings. I decided to open a small one, which did not have any label as to who it was from.
I opened it, and there was a locket. No picture inside, but in the box there was a note.

       I hope you like this locket, maybe one day, there will be a picture of you and I in it xx.

I smiled, wondering who had got me the lovely gift.
Everyone had opened their gifts. Niklaus has opened his from me. I had got him a proper whittling knife, so he could make more wooden toys for him and his siblings. After a while, everyone went up to bed, and I, as per usual, grabbed the blanket and lay down on my bed, the sofa. I was holding the locket, admiring it, and still wondering who was the apparent admirer that had gifted it to me.
"Lovely locket."
My head shot up to the doorway, to find Kol standing there. I nodded at him.
"It is. I love it. I just wish I knew who has given it to me." I told him.
He chuckled. "Perhaps you have a secret admirer!"
I giggled along with him. "Maybe, however I hope they will not stay secret for too long. I would love to thank them."
"Do you want help putting it on Ida?"
My heart jumped a mile, but I would not show it. I simply smiled shyly, and nodded at him. He came up behind me, clipping the beautiful thing around my neck.
"There you go. I must go to bed before mother and father have my head. Goodnight Ida, sleep well, and Merry Christmas for tomorrow."
I smiled at him brightly. "You too Kol. Goodnight."

Christmas went by with a blur. My favourite gift was still the locket, but I got some lovely gifts. From Niklaus, a wooden horse that he has whittled just for me. Elijah had gotten me my favourite sweet treat, a mini chocolate cake all to myself. Finn, a notebook, as he new I loved to write, Kol had got me some pencils to go with the book. Rebekah has made two lovely bracelets, one for me, one for her, friendship bracelets. And Henrik, he had got me a rose, he had been growing them for this purpose, and had grabbed me one that morning. I thanked all of them, before moving to my parents gift. Of course, the only one I got from them was a burgundy dress, obviously for the dance happening in two days. It was beautiful. I was admiring it before I heard a shout. And before I could turn my head fully, I felt Kol's arms around me as he pulled me into a hug.
"You got me my own grimoire! Thank you! Thank you! I've wanted one for ages!"
I chuckled, and then he realised what he had done and pulled away, blushing furiously from, what I thought, was just embarrassment.
"I thought you might like it. You can be as great as your mother now, create your own spells and record them, just like a proper advanced witch." I told him, a smile on my face.

That night, I had to go home. I sat with Nik and his siblings, who all looked sad to see me go.
"We will miss you! But we get to see each other at the dance in two days!" Niklaus said. I nodded, before hearing my parents calling from outside. I hugged every one of them, leaving Kol til last. As I hugged him, I whispered into his ear. "Merry Christmas Kol. I'm glad you liked your gift." He replied.
"I'm glad you loved yours too, Merry Christmas Ida Matthews."

Forever His Darling// Kol MikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora