Joardan Gonzales

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Full name: Joardan Gonzales

Name: Joardan

Birthday and Zodiac: February 1 & Aquarius

Age: 20

Sexuality: gay

Height: 5'4



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-You will mostly see him in this-

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-You will mostly see him in this-

Species: Human

Powers: n/a

Likes: having fun,lollipops, his siblings, the dark for some reason, dressing up.

Dislikes: being forced into anything, being called weak (That will really piss him), seeing his siblings beat someone up it's not really a pleasant seen.

Family and backstory : Well his mom died when he was 7. His dad got married 5 years later to a lady name Maloa. He had 2 step-brothers and 2-step sisters. Being a only child for so long he did not want siblings. Well that was till He got to know them they were pretty protective over him for being his step-siblings. Having quadruplets protect you from everything felt pretty good to him. Them being 5 years older than him everybody was scared of his siblings cause of what they did to kids when they messed with him. His step-mom was funny and kind. She treated him like her own. Yes he call her mom but he calls his real mom madre.

Fluent Language: Well since he is Mexican and white he speaks English but he can also speak a few words in Spanish but not many.

Tattoos : n/a

Occupation: His siblings own a gang so Jordan pretty much doesn't work for any money his siblings mail some to him. He sits home and relaxes.

piercing: one on his ear

Position: Submissive bottom

Turn ons: depends

Turn offs: blood, etc.

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