you're rambling but you can't stop. the lightheadedness makes everything feel possible.

you slide over, faces just inches away, "and you, seavey, are a complete and utter jerk. it's the way the world works."

he rolls his humored eyes as you snort out a laugh, grabbing his glass again, but this time, chugging it down. to the very last drop.

your eyes shut tightly as the liquid burns its way down your throat.

daniel snatches his empty glass back, "slow down, miss tipsy. i wouldn't want to leave your passed-out body out here in the cold."

"wouldn't put it past you."

"ouch," he says, dramatically placing his hand over his heart. "i think something's breaking in there."

"that's funny," you poke at his chest. "i didn't know you had one."

his hand swiftly grabs your fingers against his chest, holding them there. as much as you hate to admit it, you feel a wave of tingles where he touches you.

you could feel his breath against your cheeks, his nose brushing your hair, his lips inches away from your ear.

he leans in closer and suddenly your body is frozen, but it wasn't from the cold, frosty air.

"let me tell you something, y/n," his voice raspy and deep. "there's a lot of things you don't know. so if i were you, i'd save myself the torture and just admit it. some things you can't control."

"everything i need to know is already here."

"so stubborn," he smiles and shakes his head as a snowflake lands on his eyelashes. "must be tiring to do that to yourself all the time. you're only holding yourself back."

you could barely concentrate on his words when his voice is so close to you. "hold myself back from what?"

"stop fighting the truth, y/n," his fingers brush your cheeks, distracting all your senses and thoughts.

you clear your throat and turn your head away from his touch, eyes closed. "would you quit talking nonsense and just tell me? what truth?"

he steps even closer, this time his head dips down to your neck as you feel the heat of his breath against your skin, "you want me. bad."

your legs are shaking and weak but despite the chilly breeze blowing your bodies closer together, you could only feel his warmth.

"say it," he pulls his head back to look into your eyes. "say it, y/n."

there's no denying that buzzing electricity lingering between you and him.

but you're drunk, and you know you're going to hate yourself later for feeling like this.

this is daniel in front of you. the ruthless, up-to-no-good daniel. the one you've always been told to stay away from. to do the exact opposite from what you're currently doing.

the door behind you abruptly interrupts your thoughts and someone yells beside it, "yo, seavey! we need you for the aux downstairs, man."

"be right there," daniel replies, but his eyes are still watching you. you almost think he's pleading for you to ask him to stay.

"you should go," your voice quiet, relieved even. "the party awaits for you, right?"

his eyes flicker back and forth between you and the door as if he's battling his next move.

something changes in his expression, something hollow, and once he steps toward the door, you let out a long breath you didn't know you've been holding this entire time.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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