"Happy birthday kiddo." He says, giving her a smile.

"Thanks dad." She returns the smile as she walks through the house, eyeing the already set table, filled with food.

"Jaein-ah!" Her grandmother sang, Jaein excitedly running over to her. "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you halmeoni." She wraps her arms around the old lady.

"Even after 20 years you're still my favourite student." Minyoung comments. "I haven't taught anyone else who nears your skill level, not even that Yoonoh kid."

"Oh I've heard of him." Jaein joked, looking over at her brother who is already in a conversation with her dad.

"Let's go eat." Minyoung says, patting Jaein's arm.

"This food is great!" Jaein says, her mouth half full. "Your cooking is amazing."

"You can blame halmeoni for that, she forced me to learn how to cook, saying that otherwise my soulmate would starve." Hyejin laughs.

"That worked out well cause I've never starved." Jae-soon says, giving them a thumbs up.

"That's because you force yourself to eat it even if it's bad." Minyoung shook her head earning a glare from Hyejin.

"I really do love your cooking honey." Jae-soon assures.

"Anyways, I heard your comeback is this week, good luck with that Jaein." Minyoung wishes, earning a grateful grin from Jaein.

"I put a lot of work into this album so I hope it gets a lot of attention." She says before digging into more food.

"I'm sure it will." Jaehyun adds. "Any song written by you slaps."

"Aww really?" She turns to him, earning an aggressive nod. "Thank you." It means a lot to her, especially coming from her brother, who she's always tried her best to impress despite wanting to suprass him atthe same tim.

"So what are your songs about?" Jae-soon asks before taking a sip of water. The question was unexpected, as they've never really taken interest in Jaein's songwriting. They always say they like her songs, though they've never asked what any of the songs mean. She isn't even sure if they actually listens to them, but she decides to trust that they do anyways.

"I only wrote three out of the seven songs...and they're just about y'know, girly things." She shrugs, not really wanting to get into depth about her music with her parents.

"You can be honest Jaein, we won't judge you, I mean your brother sings some very questionable songs sometimes and we don't say anything about it." Hyejin says, raising her eyebrows at Jaehyun who simply gives her an innocent smile.

"Uhh...one of them is about fighting hate." She replies. She finds it so awkward though it shouldn't rally be. Her family gives a hum of interest. "So like ignoring people who want to tear you down even though it's hard."

"That's a really nice message Jaein." Minyoung smiles.

"I agree, that kind of stuff can really help people." Jae-soon says, surprising Jaein. "How about the other two?" He asks. Jaein clears her throat, she had written these songs a few months ago, they aren't really that relevant now, especially one in particular.

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