First Kiss

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Surveillance footage summary,
prepared by
Analyst ID 6230-0027-DN

Ezra Mason's palms are sweating like crazy, and he has to keep wiping them on his pants every few seconds.

He's taken his gloves off, his nervousness apparently enough to keep his hands warm in the freezing weather only Kerenza IV can offer.

Kady Grant is walking alongside him, playing some game on her palmpad while still maintaining conversation with Mason.

"I can't believe you guys won," she beams, smiling from ear to ear. She turns to Mason, eyeing his hands with curiosity. "Aren't your hands cold?" she asks, looking up to meet his chocolate-brown eyes. Her bright pink hair catches a sliver of moonlight, making it seem as if her hair was glowing.

Mason stops dead in his tracks. Licks his dry lips. He finally nods. "Yeah, geeball is a bit of a workout if you couldn't tell."

Grant smirks slightly. Guessing from Mason's body language, he turns to Grant before he can lose the nerve he's been trying to work up and kisses her. I think she squeals in surprise—audio doesn't catch the sound in its fullest. Grant drops her palmpad as she pulls Mason closer to her, and surprisingly, the device stays intact.

They finally pull away from each other, Mason breathing hard and blushing furiously. Grant also seems embarrassed, kneeling down to pick her dropped palmpad back up. She tucks some pink hair behind her ear, blue eyes glinting.

"S-Sorry," Mason stutters, running a hand through his brown hair furiously.

Grant only smiles. "You don't have to apologize, Ez."

"So, you... aren't mad at me?"

Her brows furrow. "Why would I be?"

"Oh, no reason." Looks like Grant's smile is contagious, 'cause the next thing you know, he's smiling too, and they're walking hand in hand away from McCaffry Tech and the geeball field.

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