Draco Malfoy

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----during deathly hallows era----

You feel the covers lift off you slightly before resuming its position. You stretch your arm to feel emptiness beside you. You open your eyes to see Draco walking away from the couch you both fell asleep on in the common room. You sit up watching Draco as he puts on his sweater and continues to get dressed as if he is going to leave.

"Where are you going?" You ask standing up, crossing your arms across your chest. He turns around with a slight expression of confusion mixed with fright. "Sorry were you not expecting me to wake up while you were leaving? Did you think I just wouldn't notice that you were gone in the morning?" You continue to question him, but he doesn't move.

"Listen I just have to go but I will come back soon." He tries to explain before turning back to his bag and focusing his attention to packing up.

"And when will next time be? You won't tell me where you are. You won't tell me why you aren't studying at Hogwarts this year. You won't tell me anything, but you expect me to just be okay with this? You'll show up here maybe once every week or two, you show up only after all student have left the common room and you leave before anyone else wakes up and I don't hear from you when you're not here. I never know if you're okay or where you are." You explain but he stills never turns around to look at you, instead he packs quicker. You walk up to him grabbing his arm which stops him packing his bag. You both make eye contact and for once you can't read him. You don't know what he's thinking. "How about before you leave me again for merlin knows how long you start answering these questions so I can relax a bit, we are in a war after all."  You can feel the tension building between you both, but he breaks it by looking away towards the couch that you once were so peacefully sleeping on.

"There are things you can't know. Not because I don't trust you or don't want to tell you but for your protection. I don't arrive here until later because I have to sneak out after my parents go to sleep and I leave so early so I can sneak back in before they wake up." He explains still looking away. You reach out and grab his left arm in a comforting way, but he rips it out of your grasp. Worry spread across his face.

"Draco what is wrong with you? Are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you or startle you." You look down at his arm and he is rubbing his right hand over his left arm with slight aggression. You look at his eyes and they are darker than usual; they are filled with guilt and fear.

"Look at me." You say lifting his chin, so he meets your eyes. "You can tell me anything. I promise you there isn't a thing in this world you could tell me that would make me run out those doors. I am here for you through everything. And screw my protection, I won't feel safe until I know you are okay? So please, let me in and tell me." You tell him holding his hands in his. Tears start to form in his eyes, and he falls into your arms.

"I didn't have a choice. I don't want to do this. I want to get away from here, but I can't leave because they'll find me and everyone I care about and they will kill me and you." He chokes out, tears now fully streaming down his face.

"What didn't you have a choice for and who's going to kill you?" Confusion filling your voice. He breaks away from you, shakily lifting his left arm sleeve to reveal the death eater tattoo. You grab his left hand and bring his arm to your lips and kiss the tattoo before looking up at him, your eyes meeting. "Draco that tattoo doesn't scare me or make me think of you any less. We will get through this together, I will help you every step of the way and we will survive. No one is going to hurt us I promise. I love you and I always will do you understand?" You ask grasping his cheek with your right hand. He shines you a sweet smile, tears still falling from his dark eyes. He tucks your dirty blonde hair behind your ear before kissing you sweetly. You break apart from the kiss grabbing his hand in yours and walking back over to the couch. He places the blanket over you both and lays his head on your shoulder.

"Get some sleep and we will figure everything out in the morning okay?" You ask looking over at your beautiful blonde lover. You see him nod his head slightly. "I love you Draco."

"I love you too Y/N."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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