Cedric Diggory

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Another day spent in the library with Hermione and Ginny studying until your brain feels like it is going to explode.

"Hermione please we have been in here for hours can we please take a break?" Ginny begged Hermione. You stifle a laugh looking over at Ginny who has her head in her hands.

"Ginny if you want to stop you are more than welcome to but just remember how much this next test in Potions is worth, do you really want to risk failing it then having to beg Snape to retake it?" Hermione responded without taking her eyes off her Charms Book. Ginny rolled her eyes and went back to studying. As much as you hate to admit it Hermione was usually right about these things. As you go back to studying for Charms you feel someone tap your shoulder. You turn around to meet Justin Finch-Fletchley.

"Hey Y/N Cedric wanted me to go give you this." Justin said handing you the note. You take it from him smiling up at him.

"Thank you, Justin." You reply to him. He smiles before saying bye to Ginny and Hermione as well then leaving the library. You quickly open the note to see Cedric's writing.


Meet me by the wooden bridge in 10 minutes I have a surprise for you.

From Cedric

You cannot help but feel the biggest smile creep onto your face as you fold the note and start to pack up all your book.

"Wow where do you think your going?" Ginny asks you with a hopeful smile on her face.

"I have to go meet Cedric, but I will catch up with you guys later." You respond standing up out of your chair.

"Have fun Y/N, Gin and I will be here for a while longer if you need us." Hermione responded causing Ginny to roll her eyes and put her face into her potion's textbook. You laugh as you wave goodbye to your friends quickly leaving the library and making your way to the wooden bridge. Once you arrive you look around not seeing anyone standing near the bridge.

"Hey Y/N." You hear a voice from behind you call out. You turn around to come face to face with Cedric. "Fancy a walk?" He asks, the biggest smile spread across his face.

"Of course," you reply as you both began your walk across the old wooden bridge. The air was sharp and cold, the sky filled with frog that goes all the way down the lake but to you its just another perfect day. You both walk to about halfway across the bridge before stopping to take in the views around you and talking.

"So, I am guessing you are wondering why I asked you to meet me here." He says looking over to you. You nod slightly signaling him to continue. "Well as you know the yule ball is coming up quickly and I was hoping that you would give the honour of escorting you to the yule ball?" Cedric asks you. You can hear the nerves in his voice. Your cheeks start to turn a light shade of scarlet and for the first time since you left the warm school heat hit your cheeks.

"Ced I would love to go to the ball with you." You exclaim. He smiles down at you before bringing you into a tight hug. You can feel your heartbeat faster.

"I was so nervous you would say no. If I am being honest, I wanted to make this moment super special. At first, I was going to do a flash mob kind of moment but then I remembered I can't sing, and I didn't want to put you through that." He said laughing, you join in with the laughter. "Then I was going to enchant this really cool show of lights but that didn't end well to say the least." He continued as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Ced this was perfect I promise." You tell him before he started rambling again. He smiled at you as he took your hand in his.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it. Now how do these things work how do we coordinate? What colour of dress do you want to wear?" He started asking as you both start walking back to the school.

"We can figure it out together, don't worry." You say with the biggest smile on your face. Once back at the castle you find somewhere quiet to sit and start planning the night that dreams are made of.

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