Chapter Eight~ Hallucinations

Start from the beginning

“Six months?” Sophia’s eyes were wide and scared, “Why six months?”

“That’s something only you know the reason for.” Lee said kindly, 

“Oh, sorry.” I apologize even if I don’t know the reason why.

“Your family has been coming here the entire time.” 

“Something something told me was that my family didn’t want me alive, they were mean to me.”

“What things?”

“The things that came to me when I woke up!” The man is startled,

“What is she talking about Doctor?” Lee frantically shacks her head.

 “They want me to go back to sleep!! Tell them to go away!” My eyes flash to the corners of the room, shadows could hide them.

Water blurred my sight, “Please tell them to go away!!!” I plead with them both, my shacking hands grip the blanket at my sides.

Smiley you have to stop, they aren’t going to come after you if you just stop!

The girl from before stood in between the man and the doctor.

“Go away girl, they will get you too!” The doctor ran out the room and called for a nurse to bring something.

They can’t get me, but you have to let them out of you now!

“They wouldn’t leave me alone!” I yell louder now.

“What is she talking about, Doctor?!” The man says worriedly

The doctor held something small in her hands, light reflecting of the metal, “Hallucinations made up from the mind, she is seeing something that isn’t here.”

The needle pierced my flesh, but she held my arm still as I jerked.

“Please- I don’t want to- sleep.” Blackness


“Is she going to be all right?” Ms. Ryan asked grasping her husbands hand, worriedly waiting for the doctor answer.

“We believe that she has been having hallucinations since she woke up. Also a form of schizophrenia, most likely from the drama she might have had coming up from the accident.”

“But isn’t schizophrenia a long-term disorder?” Mr. Ryan asked.

“Yes, she is most-likely going to continuing with breakdowns like she just had. I don’t know for how long either.”

“Our poor baby... When do you think she could come home?”


December 31, 2010

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Happy New Years Eve! Your speaking more now, but you don’t know much about your self, your family or friends. That really hurt your parents, not to make you feel bad or anything. I’m thinking about staying up tonight at the hospital, having a party tomorrow for New Years day. I wish I could hang out with you, I know as much about you as you do right now.

They tell me that your hallucinating now, I hope they weren’t to bad. I did some research about mental disorders. Never knew there were so many. Psychosis is close to what you might have, but I think your still here and Psychosis is when you lose connection with reality.

You might have Schizophrenia though, Doctor Lee says you might too. Well, I think anyone could come back from anything. I mean you woke up from a coma! You can do anything now!

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