Chapter 2

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A nightmare... A nightmare... Since when did he ever get nightmares?. This was just his brain being annoying right, a mess up...right?

Once everyone had left his bedroom Derek lept of his bed and started pacing the room like there was no tomorrow.
'This is the eighth night' Derek thought to himself, one month fair enough, two months ok, three months... THREE MONTHS what the hell.

The pack, holy cow and the pack saw it as well, what was he going to do? How can he possibly explain what they woke him up from? What made it worse is that he can never remember what it was. All he knows is that each time he wakes up dripping wet from sweat with a few cuts on his skin, never anything useful. And know the fucking pack saw it.

'Calm down already, breath, slow down and think' Derek thought, taking in deep breaths and letting it tumble out in a jagged sigh. He needed to get ready for the day, not to mention the pack where here meaning that he couldn't move around at his normal pace.

It was going to be a long morning.


Meanwhile, everyone crowded around the couch watching whatever came on the television. All was silent until Someone whispered

"Did anyone else notice how-"


A thick tension grew amongst the pack, everyone clearly wanting to say something yet no one dared to speak up. What were they meant to say?... They just saw... That!

"Should we, maybe uhh you know" liam tried to speak but all that came out was mere mumbles.

"Ask?" Scott finished for him
Stiles didn't even answer him, just gave a nod of his head before going back into silence.

The atmosphere in the room had just gotten extremely awkward which was weird because it rarely did. A few minutes had passed before
the sound of a running shower filled their ears, destroying the tension slightly.

"He's in the shower, he won't hear us very well" Jackson spoke

"I think we should leave it," Lydia deadpanned, "We shouldn't have even seen it happen so why would we question him on it?" She continued her case

"She's probably right guys, maybe we should just leave it" Allison agreed

'ok' and 'yep' was everyone answers as they left the subject alone

Everyone seemed to be to distracted in their own thought to realise that Stiles and Isaac had changed the channel on the tv.

"SpongeBob SqUEaRe PAAAANTS" stiles and Isaac yelled out startling everyone before turning into a fit of laughter and giggles

Everyone turned to them with bewildered faces but to say they weren't all amused would be a lie. Before they knew it everyone was laughing and giggling loudly to the theme tune of Spongebob.

"We're such idiots" Scott chuckled out, he wasn't lying either but that's exactly what made him love the pack.

"Yes you are" A deep voice spoke with a slight chuckle

Derek came walking down the stairs his hair still damp from the water. He knew it was wet but in a way, it helped with his ongoing headache so it wasn't much of a problem to him.

Once making it down the stairs Derek made his way straight to the kitchen, not getting involved with all the laughing that was happening just beyond the kitchen doors.

"Classic Sourwolf" Stiles laughed as he got off the couch following after him

"Classic Stiles" Lydia smirked.

Insanity {Derek Hale}Where stories live. Discover now