Chapter 2

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(I tried looking up how Kyoshi died but couldn't find anything, so I am going to say she died peacefully in her sleep)

It's been twenty four years since that day, it's hard to believe I am supposed to have the body of someone who is twenty nine. Unfortunately I am still stuck in my five year old body.

During these past twenty four years I explored the world. From the deserts to the north and south poles, from the earth kingdom to the fire nation.

In that time I found out I was granted the power to move things without touching them. With a simple movement of my hand I can move what I want. Thing is I can't do it to any living breathing things, so no humans or animals and to be honest, I am okay with that.

Raava told me it was a gift from fate as a way of apologizing for their mistake. I once asked Raava if she knew why I was put on this earth. She simply said that nobody knows but fate.

Not long after this started I gave myself a name, I decided to go with Iris. One of the first things Raava showed me in the Spirit world was a beautiful bed of blue iris flowers. I thought the name was beautiful so I took it.

At the end of the twenty four years I found Avatar Kyoshi and we bonded pretty fast. She asked why I was a little see through and had a blue tint to me. I told her how I am a spirit and only she can see me.




For fifteen years I stayed with Kyoshi and there were rumors going around of a spirit helping the avatar. Probably because sometimes people saw an object flying that could not be bent or nobody was bending it. For fifteen years every time Kyoshi entered the avatar state I felt... power growing inside me. I decided to ignore it and never use it for fear of what it could do. It was coming to the end of Kyoshi's time though.

After saying my goodbye to her she passes away as she sleeps. It's hard and a part of me thinks I should stop getting attached to people. Another part of me knows though that she would want me to keep doing what I am doing.




A year later the next avatar was born and I watched him grow up a little from afar. I knew Roku did not know he was the avatar yet and I did not want to put that burden on him yet. So when he was five I told him he was special and that only he could see me.

I watched him make friends with Prince Sozin and watched him get his first crush. Kyoshi was like a mother to me. Even though my body is younger than Roku I feel like a second mother to him. I am technically sixty-two years old. Today was Roku and Sozin's eighteenth birthday and I was so excited for him.

"Come on Roku you have to get ready for the party," I said to him as he slowly got up.

"I guess I have to wear something fancy don't I?" He asked and I nodded knowing they won't allow him to go in casual clothing.

We made it to the palace after he was finished getting ready and he was greeted with a hug from Sozin. They both walked out to greet the crowd that had come to see them and I stood next to Roku. I guess sometimes being invisible to the rest of the world has its advantages.

As the party was going on some sages came in and made an announcement that Roku was the avatar. Everyone bowed to him and then I stepped in front of him.

"I will explain later, Roku, just enjoy the rest of the party until then," I told him and he just slightly nodded so nobody else could see it.

I can tell that all he wants to do is leave the party but he couldn't so he did his best to enjoy it. It's pretty hard to do that when everyone is worshiping you.

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