"Nick, I need to ask you something," she whispered, linking her arm with mine. 

"Yes?" When we entered the room, both of us took our new crowns off first and set them down. 

"You are finally the king," she grinned. 

"And you are finally the queen," I chuckled. 

"And you said that once this happens, we don't have to worry about your father. But... I don't understand. Just because he isn't the king anymore, that doesn't mean he has no connections, right? He can still have me..." she trailed off. 

"He may want to, but he cannot," I shook my head. "There may be one or two people out there who will listen to him and do that sort of thing, but I have control over who enters the palace, how the security works, and everything else. I promise I will make sure you are safe, Ella," I sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear. 

"I trust you," she nodded. "I trust you," she exhaled, sitting on the foot of the bed and knocking her heels off. "And I love you," she smiled. 

"I love you," I chuckled, leaning down and pecking her lips. 

She didn't sleep that much last night, she was feeling sick and she was nervous about today, so that would explain the wave of exhaustion that hit her. 

"Take a nap, get some rest, baby," I said, sitting beside her. 

"Baby?" she smiled, looking at me with droopy eyes. 

I smiled, taking her heels off for her and tossing them onto the floor. She grabbed my arm and pulled me down beside her. I chuckled while she put one leg over mine and grabbed the side of my face, planting a kiss on my lips. She pulled back, looking at me with a smile. I grabbed her chin before kissing her again. She kissed back, harder this time. She pecked my lips one last time before pulling away. She pulled herself further back on the bed and pulled the covers over herself. 

"Are you sure you want to sleep in that dress?" 

"I am way too lazy and way too tired to change right now," she laughed. 

I stood up, grabbing one of my t-shirts from the closet and walking over to her. "Here. No one else is coming here, you can just wear this." 

She held her hands out and I grabbed them, pulling her up till she was sitting. I unzipped her dress and then went to lock the door. She shrugged it off till it reached her waist and then stood up on the bed. She grabbed onto my shoulder, laughing as she nearly fell and lost her balance. "Shit, fuck!" she yelled. 

"Ella," I laughed, looking at her, extremely shocked. 

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," she laughed, taking the shirt from my hands. She pulled it on and then plopped back down on the bed. She looked at me, smiling innocently. 

I grabbed the dress off the bed and hung it back up in the closet for her. "I think I should go and-" 

She grabbed my hand, pulling me on the bed. "No," she chuckled. 

"I have work to do. New accounts to make," I laughed, running my fingers through her hair. 

"No," she said slowly, shaking her head. 

"It's my job," I shrugged. 

"No," she sang, resting her head on my chest. 


She climbed on top of me, resting her chin on my chest, lying straight on top of me. "You can go work after I've fallen asleep," she whispered. "Please?" 

I sighed in defeat, locking my hands on her lower back, putting my arms around her. 

"Blanket," she mumbled sleepily, putting her head on my chest again. I grabbed the blanket which was on top of our legs and pulled it up to her chest. She snuggled closer to me, putting her arms around me loosely. I kissed her head a couple of times and within a few moments, she was dead asleep. She was breathing evenly and very still. I waited for at least thirty minutes. 

I just lay there for thirty minutes, continuously drawing circles on her lower back. After thirty minutes I gently rolled her off of me and pulled the covers up. She continued sleeping and I slipped out of the room, heading downstairs. I thought the sooner the better it would be if I spoke to my father. 

I saw my mother having the place cleaned up and I walked over to her while rolling up my sleeves. "Where is he?" I asked. 

"Who?" she looked at me quizzically. 

I gave her a blank look. 

She sighed, "Study." 

I walked over, not even bothering to knock before I opened the door. 

"Yes?" he asked. 

"I am only here to tell you, very briefly, what I already have numerous times," I scoffed, putting my hands down on the table, leaning forward. 

Just looking at him and knowing his intentions and what he wants to do, makes my blood boil. I cannot stand him and knowing that he is my father. It genuinely makes me sick. 

"You will not have her killed." 

"All right. But need I remind you, you agreed to do it yourself," he replied. 

I rolled my eyes, "I am not going to kill her. And you will not have her killed, that's it." 

His face fell and he looked at me, almost surprised. The fact that it surprises him to know that I will not kill my wife is appalling. 

"You cannot stop me from doing anything, Nicholas. Nor can you leave Merralith. You're the king now," he scoffed. 

"You are right. I am the king," I nodded. "And I cannot leave. But because I am the king, I can make sure you get what you deserve," I shrugged. 

"I am your father," he argued. 

"So? That gives you the power to do whatever you want? To kill my wife? No," I shook my head. "No, it does not. You will not do anything to my wife, nor will you make someone do it. You are done being the king of Merralith, do you understand?" I asked slowly. 

He glared at me and I glared right back. I am done with his bullshit. 

"Your turn is over. Okay? I'm the king now."






Chapter 32


also sorry I didn't update this for a minute but I was just a little tired, I had to plan this chapter out a little cause I want to end it by 40 chapters so I had to plan it a lil bit

next chapter: news

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