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E: Do you want to do a Q&A video

C: yes lets do it let Dixie ask the question

E: let do it on my account

C: ok

E&C: DIxie we need your help we are doing a video My/Ellie account

D: ok I am coming

The youtube video

E: Hi guys welcome back I am here with my twin Charli damilo

C: Hi so we are doing a Q&A and Dixie is behind to camera

E: so Dixie start the question

D: Ok what language to you speak

C: I only speak english

E: I speak spanish, English, and Italien

C&D: How come I didn't know

E: because you guys didn't ask and I can tell you if you want

D: Ok next question what are your talent

C: my talent is dance

E: my talent are gymnastic, dance, ans singing

C: how come your the better twin

E: I am not the better twin are both the same just have different things

After posting the video, people start saying you don't know who to speak Spanish and Italian

E: Chrali come where

C: yes what do you want

E: so I am going to speaking some Spanish song with some people and my next song is goig to be with you, Dixie, and Avani

C: ok thanks for telling me

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