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'Astrid come on we need to find somewhere to sit!' Hecate whisper shouted to her twin dragging her down the train corridor desperately searching for somewhere they could sit together. And stopped when finding a compartment with two boys who must have been their age.

'Can we sit here?' Astrid asked boldly. Astrid, 30 minutes older than her sister was definitely the louder of the two. She liked attention and made sure she was the center of it most of the time. Hecate was the opposite; she was a shy girl if you didn't know her but she could always stand up for her sister and when times called for it to her as well. She was the just one of the two. Both girls shared the same features except for their eyes. Both had long honey blonde hair that shone in the sunlight, pale complexions and structured cheekbones. Astrid's eyes where a bright blue, that stood out in a crowd and Hecate had almost crystal-clear grey eyes that looked like a storm. Something her father said anybody could get lost in.

'Uh yeah, I'm Ron. Ron Weasley' The ginger boy said holding out his hand.

'Astrid, and this is Hecate' The older twin said proudly.

'And I'm Harry' The boy with the round glasses and messy black hair said softly.

'Do you have any siblings at Hogwarts?' Ron asked curiously.

'Um no, we're our dad's only children. And we only found out we were witches about a year ago' Hecate said and the boy nodded.

'Me too, well only a few months ago' Harry said smiling.

'Yeah, this man in a purple dress came' Astrid said giggling a little.

'That must have been Dumbledore. It's rare he goes out to anybody himself. What's so special about you two?' Ron asked just as an older boy opened the door.

'Ron, don't be so rude. If mum heard you say that she'd shout you into next week' The boy scolded him as he hung his head in shame. 'Sorry about my younger brother, I'm Percy by the way. Good luck at the sorting.'

'How many brothers do you have Ron?' Astrid asked ignoring his comments before and choosing not to respond. They had been told not to tell anybody about what they could do by Dumbledore specifically.

'I have five older brothers, Charlie and Bill have already left, Percy, then Fred and George who are twins like you, they're two years above us, and on the quidditch team! And then I have my younger sister Ginny who's starting next year.' He said counting each one off.

'I wish we had that many siblings' Hecate said and Ron snorted.

'No, you don't as you always get compared' he said grimly.

'You get that as a twin' Hecate piped up nervously and Astrid agreed with her sister.

'What about you Harry?' Astrid asked curiously.

'My aunt and uncle raised me with my cousin. My parents died when I was a baby.' He said with glistening eyes.

'Our mum died when we were born' Astrid said nodding at the boy sympathizing. The girls had never known their mother, an incredible woman according to their father and the love of his life. So much so he hadn't even started dating again, just focused on working and raising his daughters. They knew they were beyond lucky to have him in their life, and as their father. They had known a few kids their own age with either parent walking out on them. Something that was more painful than losing them to death, or so Hecate thought. Walking out is a choice, death isn't.

'So, do you know much about our world?' Ron asked all of them striking up conversation again.

'Not a lot, I tried learning bits from our school books, Hecate is more of a reader, but still, there's so much we don't know.' Astrid admitted feeling ashamed at the world they had been thrown into with no knowledge of what was in it.

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