Cyclamen - Resignation

Start from the beginning

He's a fun person to be around. I find myself occupied by his goofy antics rather than a certain black haired girl whenever we're in a class together.

People would think we were a couple or something as the class progressed and we talked more and more. Only thing was that, we were both taken. I don't think I've ever met them but Jackson talks about his partner often. Jaebum, I think is his name. Somehow, he always comes up in a conversation, whatever topic it may be. I caught myself bringing up Jennie after suggesting the break.

I did end up telling him what had happened after he noticed that I stopped bringing up a comparison or a contrast between his partner and mine.

I hear my name being called as Jackson tried to cheer me up like usual. We turn and I see Jennie staring at us with an unreadable expression.

She walks up to us as a weird feeling settles into the pit of my stomach.


"Is this what you call 'time for myself' Chae?"

Her calm anger confused me. "What?"

"Don't what me, Rosé." Jackson lifted his arm off my shoulder as Jennie's gaze flew to him.

Her accusation irritated me. "Jackson?? He's just a friend, Jen."

"'Just a friend' yeah and Kai's 'just' your ex."

"What??" My blood started to boil. "Are you- are you even thinking straight?? What the HELL does that mean Jennie Kim??"

The "argument" ended after a few more sentences were exchanged. The accusations and her stubbornness tired me. She clearly had no interest in anything I had to say.

I ended up ditching the rest of my class to get away from everything with Jackson who witnessed the entire thing unfold. He took me to one small remote park that not many visit at this time of day.

I laid on the grass trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was now single. A whole relationship I thought would be my last was flushed down the drain because of stupid misunderstandings.

"Maybe clearing my head for a little while would help" I whispered to no one in particular.

Jackson hummed. "Yeah."

I turn my head to him.

"Would you stay and talk things out with them if you were me?"

He doesn't answer right away. "Well, yes. He's.. my everything, I'd do anything to make things right with him, but my mind would just be clouded by judgement and anger. Probably would make things worse. I'd most likely would tell him something that I'd regret right after."

I sigh, turn my head back to the sky and close my eyes. Jackson moves to lay down by me which was evident by his content sigh.

We laid there in silence for a while. He's the one to speak up first.

I open my eyes as he speaks softly, "Just... let it be until you're both calmed. Trying to fix something when anger clouds your judgment never ends well."


Time skiippss to tomorrow

My phone hasn't blown up with messages yet as I walk around Paris with my mom. She asked me a while back if I wanted to join her this year and see Paris together but I had declined back then. I texted her right after making up my mind about avoiding Jennie for a while until this blows over and we're both thinking straight.

"If your gonna stay in that little head of yours for the rest of the day then I'd rather stay at the hotel."

"Ah! No no. I'm here. I'm here." I shook my head and pushed aside the argument.

We went to a lot of places around the area. My mom went straight for the bed after changing out and was out for the rest of the day. I, on the other hand, cried.

I was in the bathroom trying to change out of my day clothes. The feeling of the fabric started to get to me, slowly frustrating me as it stayed on my body. The frustration got to me. I cried before fully changing.

I walked out after wiping my tears. I laid down facing away from my mom and found myself crying to sleep.

I feel hopeless.

A/N: hello :D

Uhm I know it's been a few months but I will try my best to finish this T-T

Hope you guys have a wonderful day/night. :P


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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