Chapter 3: Writing

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**Eddie's POV**

I wait standing sadly in the rain with Willow, the girl next door. She's half a year younger then me. Where's mother? She needs to come home now! I become inpatient and I begin to cry. "It's alright" She says hugging me. I blush, but she doesn't see. No girl has ever hugged me. A car that looks like my mothers comes by us, but it's just Willows dad.

**Willow's POV**

We wait standing in the rain. I'm starting to get upset now. Dad? He's going to need to come soon. He looks around for someone and he starts to cry. "It's alright" I say hugging him. A car comes by us and drives in our driveway. Dad! I walk inside and wave to the boy next door. He's now just waiting alone, in the rain.

**Eddie's POV**

She leaves me alone. I wanted to break apart and cry. After a couple of hours my mom pulls into the driveway. Thank you! She takes me inside hugging me. She slaps my father as I go in my room. I think of the girl who was outside to comfort me. I pull out a piece of paper and a pencil. I find my old iPod I couldn't find earlier and go on a music creator app and make my music. It's nice and soft, like a drizzle of rain. I think of lyrics to write about the girl, but nothing comes.

**Willow's POV**

I watch outside my window at the poor boy. I take out a blank piece of paper and draw him outside. I write the words 'The Boy Next Door' on the paper and take out a lined piece of paper. I needed to write a book about him. The first words were 'Chapter 1. I watched the boy who lived next to me stand in the rain.' What else could I write? I mean, that's all I did, watch him.

**Eddie's POV(when he finished the song)**

Great! This is my best song yet! "Oh! She's just the type of girl who everyone thinks is smart." I sing the beginning of the song. It's just for me to know about. Only me. People would think I'm madly in love with her if they heard my song. I mean, yes she's nice, but not that.


Sorry I haven't written this in a long time. Hope you liked this chapter. I will make this book more interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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