How was it that from Fang Zhang's mouth, she became a tycoon?

However, someone who could make Fang Zhang opened his mouth to analyze her physiognomy was probably few and far between.

Could it be that Wei Wei's fortunes would still change?

The young lords' gazes were full of doubt.

But Helian Jiao Er hated so much she distorted a corner of her handkerchief, teeth ferociously bit at her thin lips, eyes like they're steeped in poisonous arsenic, yet when she looked down, everything was concealed thoroughly.

However, in the beginning, Abbot Fang Zhang, only because he heard Third Prince's words, after that, he became interested in finding out about this girl, Wei Wei, a student from the Inferior Compound.

But when he genuinely went and saw her, he felt that her countenance indeed, truly stood out from the masses. He continued. "As for other aspects, this female benefactor needs to draw a fortune stick before we it could be divined."

Wei Wei indifferently received the gazes casted from all around. She faced Head Abbot Fang Zhang and smiled politely. "Many thanks for abbot's good intentions. It's Wei Wei who doesn't have an affinity with Buddha. I'm accustomed to being laid-back, and has always believed in only one thing, my fate is dependant on me, not on the heavens."

Suddenly, the temple hall came to a standstill in an instant.

All of the people looked at Wei Wei in a way that couldn't be described in words.

Only Baili Jia Jue seemed to have curved his lips as he leisurely straightened the sleeves of his robe.

Head Abbot Fang Zhang was stunned, after which he burst into laughter. That laughter reverberated within the temple hall and didn't fade for a very long time. "Deserves to be of Helian blood, a talentless golden carp encountering storms turning into a dragon**, Helian Wei Wei, the future you, it's truly making me look forward to it!"

"Thanks for Abbot Fang Zhang's auspicious words." Wei Wei chuckled, neither alarmed by honor nor disgrace made Retired Emperor take note.

Head Abbot Fang Zhang then turned and glanced towards Baili Jia Jue at the not so distant place, deep meaning fully written on his brows, eyes, and mouth. No wonder this icy fellow favored this girl. There were plenty of people who believed in Buddhism in the world, yet they didn't understand cause and effect. How did this Wei Wei not have an affinity with Buddha, clearly her heart was fearless, her understanding was even more profound than other people. She's actually quite compatible with this cold mannered, heartless icy fellow. Retired Emperor had finally thought it through, maybe also because of this point.

Yet Baili Jia Jue didn't look at him, eyes downcast, making people unable to perceive his state of mind whatsoever.

Listening at the side, Helian Jiao Er's whole heart twisted, but a smiling expression still covered her face. It's just that unnoticed by people, her hands clenched and somewhat deformed.

Her maid didn't know what to say, and only moved to move Helian Jiao Er's fortune stick forward.

Head Abbot Fang Zhang smiled as he picked up this fortune stick, a couple of succinct words told her fortunes.

What Helian Jiao Er obtained was the highest high fortune, and was also the only highest high fortune among those girls from influential families. It drew everyone's exclamation of admiration.

The highest high fortune was indeed not easy to find, so it could be seen just how good Helian Jiao Er's fate was.

Head Abbot Fang Zhang retrieved the fortune stick and divined her future. In the near future, her prospects are great. There was some ambiguity regarding the latter part of her life.

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