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Su Tart woke up the next day smiling more than he had since he first started school. He ate all his Baconflakes and grabbed his backpack with delight, even with his face looking like a hot mess.

As he walked to school, people on the sidewalk gasped, wondering why this bacon boy was smiling so big while he looked like he should've been in a hospital.

When Su Tart entered the building, nobody gave him attention unless they looked directly in his direction- then they gasped and whispered to each other.

He passed the bullies from yesterday, and he noticed one slender he had seen in the alleyway telling his friends what had happened. He noticed the bandaged boy immediately and pointed at him, yelling, "You're friends with a serial killer!"

Su Tart smiled even bigger at his bully's fear. "I am? I hadn't noticed."

"Tiffany Mayumi saved your butt! You were there!" the slender said. "You're gonna get it!"

"Oh, I don't think so. Unless you want me to call Tiffany right now and ask her to do me a favor?" Su Tart joked. The slender squealed like a little girl and ran off, embarrassed by the bacon boy. All of his friends laughed as he ran away but still kept their distance from Su Tart, as they weren't sure whether to believe their friend or not.

Su Tart liked this new power over his bullies. Now, if he was ever in trouble, he could easily just blackmail them, saying stuff like, 'Oh, Tiffany! These people are bullying me!', or even, 'Oh, Tiffany, my love, you wouldn't want to see me get hurt, would you?'

Su Tart wasn't sure of calling Tiffany his 'love', but if it made his bullies scared, then he would say it with pleasure.

Suddenly, Su Tart felt someone turn him around. It was the bacon girl he had seen the other day hanging out with the others, who were not so far away from her.

"Oh my gosh, Su, Tart, are you okay?" she asked him nervously. She looked at Su Tart's bandages with worry in her eyes.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine," Su Tart told her. The girl looked at him confused.

"Really? You look really messed up. Are you sure you haven't hit your head or anything?"

Although Su Tart also wasn't sure if he had hit his head or not, he nodded. "I'm fine, I promise," he assured the bacon girl.

"Oh, okay... well, tell us if you aren't feeling okay," the girl said as she walked away with her friends. Su Tart continued on with his day, his smile never leaving his face.


Su Tart found the same alleyway as the day before, and he slithered his way in. He was still unsure if Tiffany was really going to be there, but eventually, he found the girl sitting on top of a garbage bin.

"Hello, bacon boy," Tiffany greeted him with a smile. Her smile immediately turned into a frown. "What's your name? It sounds rude to call you a bacon boy."

"Su Tart," he told her, glad that somebody was finally respecting him and asking for his name. The girl thought about it.

"Su Tart...Su Tart...Okay. Weird but cute," Tiffany said as she smiled at the boy. Su Tart was unsure of why he was blushing.

"Okay, so...why did you want me to meet you here again?" Su Tart asked the girl.

"Are you kidding me? This is a date! We need to get to know each other better!" Tiffany said excitedly. "Here, come sit on the garbage bin across from me.

Su Tart noticed the bin across from her, assuming the girl had put it there on purpose. Hesitantly, he pushed himself up onto the garbage bin and stared at the girl.

"Perfect," she said.

"Are you sure that the slenders won't come back?" Su Tart asked, still looking around just to be sure. 

"Oh, Su Tart, I assure you they won't come back here as long as they live," Tiffany giggled, and Su Tart noticed she was swinging the knife he had almost been hit by yesterday. Su Tart smiled.

"Now," Tiffany said, "Let's get to know each other."

Su Tart nodded and the girl started asking him questions.

"How old are you?"

"I'm fifteen- almost sixteen," Su Tart told her. The girl frowned.

"Really? I'm twenty-one- that's such a shame that our ages are so different," Tiffany sighed as she shook her head. "It's okay. What is your favorite food?"

"Uh- Baconflakes or Cheetos."

"Really? I love Cheetos, too!" Tiffany squealed. She was practically hanging off her garbage bin.

"Uh- is it okay if I ask you a question?" Su Tart asked her. Tiffany nodded.

"Why did you become a serial killer? Sorry if it's personal."

The girl's smile faded off her face. "It's okay. I guess you should know why I'm known as that label," she sighed.

"It started when I was just hanging out in my hometown. Back when I had blonde hair and a loving family who cared for me. Life in paradise, ya know?

"One day, I was just minding my own business, when all of a sudden, I blackout, and when I wake back up, I'm in a strange-looking forest. It was the most traumatizing experience I have ever been through, and I never want to go through it again.

"Eventually, I found myself out of the forest, safe and sound, along with another who had been stuck in there with me. Her name was Geana, but it was actually my first love in disguise.- Albert, or mrflimflam. He friended me, and I decided that it was a good idea to start a relationship with him.

"After a while, I dyed my hair black and something in Albert changed. He met another girl named Kirsten, and they became friends. I was afraid that she was going to take him away from me, but before it ever happened, I found out something disturbing from her.

"One day when we were talking, she brought up how Albert had power. Admin, as we call it nowadays. Albert then brought up a memory- the memory of the forest. He laughed as he told me that it was he who had transported me to that horrible place, and he was laughing about it. Kirsten was, too, and I stood up and told him it was over with us. He didn't seem to care too much, and a few weeks later, I found out that he and Kirsten started dating.

"I was heated. I knew he and Kirsten had been in love ever since they knew each other, so I made a revenge plan- a plan to get for Albert sending me to the forest, and for finding another girl. I set up the plan, and I killed Albert.

"However, he respawned. After every time I tried to kill him, he respawned. I tried to kill him four times- every time, it failed. I eventually became ever more raged, and my murderous tendencies sprouted.

"I was on a rampage- I killed anyone who got in my way- I even tried to kill Kirsten, but every time, they respawned. Eventually, the other admins decided that I needed to be stopped, and I had to run away from my hometown and leave everything behind, lurking in the shadows for the rest of my days.

"But whenever I come across someone new, my actions become stronger than my words, and I kill another Robloxian."

Su Tart was silent, as her story hit hard. Tiffany smiled at the bacon boy.

"Why so silent, Su Tart? I've been like that for almost three years now- no need to feel bad for me. I just need to think of an extreme plan to kill off mrflimflam."

Tiffany looked into the eyes of Su Tart. Then she cleared her throat.

"I think it's time we end this romance session. You go on home, Su Tart. We'll meet again tomorrow." Just like yesterday, Tiffany Mayumi disappeared into the shadows. 

Su Tart decided that it was best if he told his dad about his new girlfriend, only he wouldn't say who.

My father won't mind if I had a girlfriend...he would be proud of me...right?

Su Tart x Tifany MayumiWhere stories live. Discover now