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Su Tart closed the door to his house, which still made a loud noise. His dad walked into the room.

"Su Tart? You're home already? I thought the dance ended at nine," his dad said. Su Tart looked and saw that it was only 8:47. Shit. He shook his head at his old man.

"Oh, uh, they let the dance end early. A-And by early, I-I mean like, thirty minutes before it was supposed to be over!" Su Tart lied. How was he supposed to explain he spent twenty minutes trying to shove his bully's body into a garbage bin with his girlfriend?

"Oh! Usually they don't do that with dances, do they?" Su Tart's dad said. "Well, if you want, you can go to bed early, or just relax a bit. I'll be out here if you need me."

Su Tart rushed to his room and slammed the door shut, locking it behind him. He changed into his normal bacon-like clothes and grabbed a small satchel. He looked around his room.

What should I bring along with me? he wondered.  He grabbed a notebook and some pens, a book titled 'The Bacon Bites Back', and some scissors just in case. He  grabbed a picture of himself to put in a small wallet he also found in his closet, a picture of his dad, and a picture of...his mom.

It reminded him of the day it all went down...


Su Tart watched his mom start to open their front door. "Mommy, where you going?" he said, his voice being squeakier since he was two year old.

"Sweetie, I'm going on a business trip for a while. I'll be back eventually," his mom said as she pat her son's head gently.

Su Tart's dad, who was crying for an unknown reason to Su Tart, stepped in. "Tell him the REAL reason you're leaving. He's your son!"

She gave her husband a scowl, then looked back at Su Tart. "Don't worry, Su Tart sweetie. I'll see you again, I promise." Then she kissed his forehead and walked out the door, shutting it behind her.

Su Tart's dad was bawling in the background. "Why sad, daddy?" Su Tart asked him, his grammer being a bit off.

"Your mommy is leaving forever, Su Tart. You probably won't ever see her again," he told his son.

Su Tart's heart broke that day.


He gulped back another round of tears and stuffed the picture into his satchel. Then he grabbed a bag of goldfish that was still on his dresser from a week ago, then hurled the satchel over his shoulder. He quietly closed the door to his room.

He was glad that the lights were off so he could easily sneak out. He crept through the hallway of his house, and slowly turned the doorknob.

"What are you doing, Su Tart?" he heard his father say behind him. He sighed and turned around to look him in the eye. His dad was standing with his hands on his hips, as if he was a sassy model.

"Uh- I uh-"

"Are you sneaking out?" His dad asked him. The bacon boy couldn't think of anything else to say, so he nodded in shame as his dad gasped at him.

"Su Tart- why?" Su Tart tried to come up with a reason other than , 'Oh, I'm going to run away with my girlfriend because she's a serial killer and she killed my main bully and now she's going to get caught if we don't get out of here.'

"Because-" Dammit, Su Tart, think of something!

"Because I'm going to find mom." It was the first thing that came into his mind, and he immediately wished he had just told the truth instead. He watched his father's face look even more sad than it already was.

"I am NOT letting you see that woman," Su Tart's dad told him.

"It's MY choice. And I'm going to see her whether you like it or not," Su Tart replied as he turned the knob all the way, opening the door.

"Su Tart, please...."

Su Tart looked at his father, who was now starting to cry. He turned back around to face the night sky.

"I love you, dad. I'll see you soon."

He closed the door behind him, surprised that he didn't hear his dad's footsteps coming towards it. He sighed and looked at his plain shoes.

"You better do me some good," Su Tart warned his shoes. "You're going to have a lot of running to do."

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