Chapter 46 - Little liar

Start from the beginning

An almost invisible light flashed in the bottom of Su Yi's eyes. "Where's it going to be held?"

"Beijing." Wu Xue opened her phone, reading the text the company sent. "Not some big event, just some minor online platform's own show. There's plenty of prizes, almost everyone who goes would get some consolation prize or another, but they're basically worthless. The online platform's just trying to get views really, there's no point, I suggest we not go."

"Go!" Su Yi decided at once. "Book the tickets."

Wu Xue said, "... What's wrong with you, to delay the filming progress for this small prize-giving ceremony?"

"It won't be delayed." In the few short minutes, Su Yi had it all planned out. "Isn't it the day off tomorrow, I'll go talk to the director and change my filming schedule."

"What about the person you're filming with?" Wu Xue asked. "You think Wu Ke would be willing?"

"My scenes with Wu Ke are almost complete, the rest are either with side characters or with Anan, I'll go discuss with them now."

After saying that, Su Yi left her half-finished food and waltzed out of the make-up room with her phone.

No one in the crew filmed more than one show at the time. Except for those who occasionally had another thing cropping up (e.g. filming of some advertisement or, in Su Yi's case, going out for an awards ceremony), everyone basically only came to set when they have a scene to film and returned to the hotel when they didn't so it wasn't too hard to adjust the filming dates. Li Min and the side characters had it dealt with quickly.

Su Yi stopped in front of Cheng Anan's make-up room and knocked on the door.

In a moment, the door opened. It was Cheng Anan's assistant; seeing Su Yi, she hurriedly greeted: "Hi Yi-jie, have you eaten?"

"Yeah," Su Yi said with a smile. "Is Anan in there?"

Cheng Anan's face was also filled with surprise. "Yi-jie, what's up?"

"I want to discuss something with you, is it convenient now?"

"Yeah." Cheng Anan picked up the phone on the sofa to clear a space for her to sit. "Please."

After sitting down, Su Yi got straight to the point. "It's like this, tomorrow is a break, but something has cropped up last minute for the day after ..."

Cheng Anan interrupted. "You Qi's prize-giving ceremony?"

Su Yi smiled. "Yeah, so I want to bring forward filming by a day, is that okay?"

"Of course, I'm going to be around these few days anyways." Cheng Anan agreed at once, saying with a silly smile, "Yi-jie, you're really amazing, all these prize-giving ceremonies are inviting you over."

"What's so amazing about this!" Su Yi couldn't help laughing. "So we're okay with it?"

"Yes." After saying that, Cheng Anan seemed to have remembered something and, after looking around, said with reddened cheeks, "Yi-jie, can I get an autograph?"

Su Yi paused halfway through getting up. "We've already exchanged WeChat contacts, you still want an autograph?"

"That's different." Cheng Anan looked serious. "Can I?"

After Su Yi agreed, Cheng Anan rummaged around her bag for a long while before coming up with a magazine. Gracing its cover page was none other than Su Yi.

This time she really believed it – Cheng Anan really was her fan. A huge fan, at that. For in that bag were at least three magazines with her on the cover page!

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