It wasn't a grand declaration of love, nor a promise to stay, and they were likely a ticking time bomb waiting to happen, but it was a start.


The day started out fine. She and Albert had gone to St. Luke's for the ultrasound. They filled out some paperwork, and at that moment, she'd never been more grateful of the hospital's patient confidentiality.

If the media got wind of the situation, the spotlight would be turned to Albert, and, by extension, Sam. She would be followed, pressed to defend herself from accusations—for there would be accusations, of that she had no doubt.

They were led into a room by a particularly vivacious nurse, who kept stealing glances at both her and Albert, probably disbelieving that a guy like him and a girl like Sam would—it was daunting to be judged for one indiscretion.

Dra. Cornelio was the complete opposite, however. She was a professional through and through. If she was shocked to learn that Albert Martinez fathered Sam's baby, she did not show it. Her clinical detachment put Sam at ease as she lay on the gurney and the gel was spread over her bump.

A few minutes later, a whooshing sound filled the room, and the parents-to-be were awed by the steady thump thump thump of their child's heartbeat. It was surreal—one that both Albert and Sam previously resigned themselves to never experience due to the death of a wife for him, and the death of hope for the her.

It was funny in an ironic—kind of cosmic—way that the two people who thought they would never have children were now having one together.

They were pulled out of their respective reveries when the good doctor cleared her throat. "From what I can see, everything looks good. The baby has a strong heartbeat, and is ticking all the check marks in the development checklist." She moved the wand. "Are you having problems? Spotting? Cramps?"

Sam shook her head. "None of the sort, but the morning sickness is awful."

Dra. Cornelio smiled, her intelligent eyes crinkling at the edges. "Morning sickness is quite normal, and should gradually disappear now that you have entered your second trimester. However, this does not apply to all women. Some are lucky enough to have morning sickness until their last month."

With her luck, Sam figured she would probably suffer until she gave birth.

"Would you like to know the sex?"

Sam nodded eagerly. "Yes please," She said, glancing at Albert, who hadn't uttered a word since they came in.

He nodded, realization of his impending fatherhood solidifying his resolve to do what was right.

"Let's see here," Dra. Cornelio began, moving the wand over Sam's belly, trying to find a better angle.

"Oh, look here." She was pointing at a specific part of the screen, directing the parents' eyes. "You're having a boy. Congratulations!"

Sam gasped, eyes transfixed on the screen. "Can we have a copy of that?"

"Sure thing. I'll have it printed and attached to your chart, so you can get it in the information center later."

Sam wiped the gel off, and sat up. "Would you like a copy of the sonogram?" She asked Albert as the doctor went out.

"Yes," He swallowed. "That was unbelievable. Thank you for letting me come."

"It beats Disneyland." Sam shrugged. "And you have every right as I do to be here."

Their ultrasound odyssey ended as they collected the pictures from the information center. After, Albert dropped Sam off, and he was left alone with his thoughts, processing his new reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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