Geranium - Stupidity

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Jen. We will be having another dinner with the Yoo's in 2 days. Since he had to leave abruptly before he could give you our answer about your proposal and Nayeon's." He glanced at me and looked back at the papers he was reading.

[Two days? That's... when me and Rosé are gonna celebrate her birthday, since she's taking a trip with her family on her birthday week]

My dad called my name a few times before I heard him properly, "Jennie. Will you be able to go?"

Before I answered him, I saw my mom staring at me waiting for my answer just like my dad was. "Yea, I'll be there."

When she heard my answer, her face changed subtly and she glanced at Jisoo before continuing to bring the food to the table. I turned my head towards Jisoo unnie and she looked at me with a straight face.

Just then I remembered that I told them about our plans for Saturday. That realization explained the faces they made towards me.

"Honey, paperwork off the dining table." She sat down next to him as she just finished setting up the table with all that she's cooked.

"Ah. Sorry, dear. I forgot." Dad had a small pout  when we turned towards Mom.

"It's alright, hon. I know the documents are important." Her answer lifted up his mood.

We all dug in and Jisoo unnie and mom ate as if none of our eye contact exchange happened. I tried to eat normally but thinking about having to cancel plans with Rosé and thinking about the answer Nayeon's dad was gonna give me, made me nervous.

"Hey. Stop disrespecting the food auntie made and eat." Her tone wasn't playful nor full of worry, like I thought it would be.

That was the last thing that put me over the edge with her. She sounded disgusted with me while she had a cheerful conversation with my mom. I had a feeling it wasn't about the food that I kept picking on instead of eating properly. I slammed my utensils down, "What the hell is your problem this morning, unnie."

She continued eating, pretending not to hear me. Mom and dad just sat there bewildered and surprised.

I grabbed her wrist, forcefully stopping her from taking a bite. "Unnie. Answer the damn question."

She pulled away her wrist from my grip and looked at me with an angry expression. "What's my problem?? What's MY PROBLEM?! WHAT DO YOU THINK IT IS JENNIE KIM!! WHY DON'T YOU THINK ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE'S FEELINGS FOR A CHANGE, DUMBASS."

I was caught off guard. She had stood up at the last second and raised her voice even more. Jisoo unnie's never yelled at me with full anger before. Whenever she gets mad it's usually just in an upset tone and some scolding but, she's fully yelling at me this time. She's only ever done that once and that was about Irene.

I didn't understand what she meant by that, at all. All I knew was that she went too far this time with her silent/rage treatment, towards me. I stood up abruptly and started yelling back.


She scoffed at me. "Of course that's what you focus on after everything I've said."

I couldn't say anything. The change in her tone hurt me. She's never used that tone with me. That was the only tone I've never heard come from her. She sounded defeated.

She looked at me and waited for me to say something but I couldn't muster up anything. She sighed and her facial expression went back to being unreadable.

She turned towards my parents and bowed. "I apologize for my sudden outburst, Auntie. Uncle."

"I-it's alright. I'm not sure what's going on between you two but I hope you work it out." My dad's facial expression softened.

He always liked Jisoo unnie out of all the friends I had over the years. She became like a second daughter to him and it was probably because they got along and had a lot in common.

"I should take my leave. I still have to meet up with Lisa for our date. Thank you for the food, Auntie." She grabbed her purse next to her.

"Why don't you take some food with you, dear? I think Lisa would like some." My mom stood up and started packing some food for her.

I still couldn't say anything to her so I just sat back down and started to pick on my food. "Jen."

I couldn't look at my dad when he called for me. Before he was able to say anything, Jisoo unnie came by me with a lunch box in hand. I looked up and stared at her.

"Come by when you figure it out. Thank you again for inviting me, Auntie. Uncle."

"Of course, we were in town so why wouldn't we."

"Have a safe drive, dear." They both had a sweet smile on their face as she bid them goodbye.

I sat there looking aimlessly at my food. [What the hell did she mean...]


"Y-yes, dad?"

"Your father and I would like to talk to you about something. Well, more of a someone." She stood behind dad and placed her hands on his shoulder.


A/N: Heeyyyooooo

I can't believe I was able to make this chapter ;-;
I hope you all enjoyed!! I'm definitely enjoying writing this :P

I hope everyone's doing well :) until next chapter!!

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