An old friend chapter 7

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Hi guys, so before this chapter starts, I just wanna say, I had a bit of writers block, and kinda just came up with an idea on the spot, so if this chapter isn't as good as the others you now know why, but I'm gonna do my best to make it awesome! :)

Killers POV:

Omg I can't believe that just happened!
Boss was, about to kiss me! I didn't think he would want to, but he didn't say no, my face was as red as a strawberry at this point! Did, did boss like me! No, that's impossible, the king of negativity in love with, me?

I tried to calm down a little, but as you could tell it wasn't working very well, so I thought I would go out for a bit, and relax.

I ended up in an au called outertale, how did I k ow this, well, it's in space, what other au could it be?

I sat on the edge of a floating island, next to a willow tree, and a river that looked as if it was made of stars, it flowed like the echo flowers that were found in the caves of snowdin.

Killer must admit, it was a really pretty and peaceful au, he remembered the meeting that they had, had along time ago, about going out to destroy this au. Killer was glad they didn't in the end, he had always liked outertale, and not only because of the stars and the vast buetifulness of space, but for the monsters of which who lived there.

One monster killer was referring to, was a sans named outer, killer had met him long before the team was put together, he was one of the main reasons I could feel emotions and all,
(before yall start getting angry at me I do NOT ship killer and outer, sorry for those who do... wait is you ship it then why you reading?) Outer was one of my best friends, so I did usually come to outertale to see him, but this time I wanted to be alone, alone with my thoughts so I could take time to realise what had just happened and get something reasonable out of it

Back at nightmares mansion? Castle? Meh whatever it is

Nightmares POV:

I can't believe what I was about to do! It's just, something about him makes me want him all to myself, I want killer to be mine, and no one else's...

Speaking of killer, where is he, I haven't seen him in a while, and I'm starting to get uneasy, I hate when he's not here, but after today, I'm scared he won't want to talk to me ever again

Luckily, I put trackers on everyone's phone, so I k ow where they are at all times (that's deffinatley not creepy nightmare)
Oh shush you! Anyway, I'll just check to where he is, to make sure he's safe.

After I had tracked him, turns out he was in, outertale?! I don't trust that outer sans, he seems to have a liking towards killer (NOT IN THE SHIP WAY, THE FRIEND WAY!)  and I don't like it, I don't like the fact killer hangs out with him, I'll go check on him to make sure nothing is going on...

(Oooo nightmare be jelly)

Time skip~~~~

I was walking around, enjoying the scenery, then, not too far in the distance I saw a skelington, sitting next to a river, with his legs dangling over the edge of the island.

I teleported behind him, he must of heard me, because he turned around.


"Outer! Is that really you?"

(Haha lol u guys really do be thinking it's nightmare)

"I wasn't expecting you to be here kills!"
" it's nice to see and old friend"

Killers POV:

I got up and went to hug the slightly taller skelington, it was nice to see him, I know I came here to be alone, but seeing outer made me feel a little better

"So, how have you been? I heard you and nightmare have been getting along quite well~"

"H-how did you?"

"I have my ways"

I sighed and rolled my eyes at him
"I've been doing well, and what about you?"

"Well, actually, I need to tell you something..."

"Oh, okay what is it?"

"W-well, I- I kinda..."

Haha lol I'm gonna leave it on a cliffhanger cuz why not >:) hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's short, but there a massive reveal in the next chapter, and hopefully it with redeem this one
:) anyway, see you next chapter!!! Byeeee~

775 words!!!

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