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"The thief, king. We found him."

The king looked interested towards the grand wooden door, his cold hawk eyes wandering over the guard. "The one big thief? The one who stole insanely much the last few years?"
"The one."

Subtly the king chuckled, his voice eerily echoing in the grand hall. "Bring him in."
  "Yes, your majesty." With quick, strict rhythmical steps the guard approached the grand door into the big room where the king's throne was seated.

Leaning back in his seat the king searched for his son with his gaze. When he caught the prince's curious but still timid -the boy was way too fragile- look towards him, he waved him over to himself, snapping him out of his daydreaming.
"You will not be king" -he spoke in a harsh manner-"nevertheless you will now look what a king does to criminals. Sit on your place and stay silent, as always."
Taeyong sighed, but bowed with respect oozing from his posture.
"Yes, father."
Straightening his back afterwards and smoothing any crinkles in his dark blue gown made him realise again where he was, the smooth satin underneath his hands feeling like an unkind reminder of his daily life.

He knew this was his father's way of showing him the consequences he would have to face once he would disobey him. Taeyong found himself being sick to the stomach with every single punishment the king gave to those poor criminals, which often couldn't help themselves- they were often poor, starved, miserable... maybe death was an easy way out for them, however in the prince's eyes they would not have been feeling like that in the first place.

With heavy steps he climbed the stairs towards his seat- left from the king. On his right sat his half- brother, the heir. He was absent. He always was to these types of occasions.

Taeyong did not mind not being able to rule. He did not want to rule- managing a whole country sounded like a lot of work, and work was not something the boy admired. His desire was to live normally, to have a cute home somewhere in a village and to be by himself for some time. In the castle he was always surrounded by so many people, he was taught so much he would never need- considering he wasn't the heir- and he was barely allowed to go outside since he could be kidnapped.

He took place in his small throne next to his father and looked at the doors, mentally preparing for the sadness that would come with them opening. Once again he looked at his gown and straightened his sleeves, trying to flee the negative thoughts and hoping for a happy way out today. Lost in his thoughts he traced the white dragon weaved in the sleeve, his fingers gracefully outlining him, somewhere hoping he would also be just a dragon in someone's sleeve.

As he went over the outline of the dragon once more, he stopped himself from looking whether one of the windows was unlocked or not; the king could notice this and scold him. He showed Taeyong how criminals are treated and how no criminal would ever escape his harsh hands. Taeyong knew there was no way out, so he sat there on the left side of the king and awaited his end, essentially.

Finally the doors opened. 

The prince straightened his sleeves one more time, then he looked at the door. Creaky the old wood opened reluctantly and in came a number of men. Taeyong immediatly saw who the criminal in these group was. He was different, he stood out with his colourful clothes and colourful hair.

The guards pushed the guy in. The king looked at the rather young man and straightened his back.
"Come closer" the king's voice demanded.
The man hesitantly took a step closer. His eyes were fixicated on something that wasn't there. However his posture was not slouched, he seemed to be very good taken care of and his medium long hair reflected the light, creating a beautiful contrast to the dark colour of his strands.

The man took half a step closer; still looking with a fogged look into nothing.
"No! Even closer, peasant!"

The guards pushed the man forwards. Smoothly the guy wiggled himself out of the guards' hold and looked angrily at them, his eyes now crystalclear. His jaw was clutched in a irritated manner.

the thief/ jaeyong twoshotWhere stories live. Discover now