Different but Same (1.9)

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Alright Here is the situation

We were doing a practice test P.S.A.T and I was doing fine and then the bell ringed and I WAS FREE. As soon as i exited the room i stood next to Demetri and we got some Lovey Dovey Miguel and Sam stuff.But we left.

"I am taking a good guess you made a sarcastic comment on how Miguel had a girlfriend."I said 

At some point we were now at the park just chilling and i was sitting on the grass because in my perspective it's comfy "Come on,eat something It'll make you feel better."Demetri said "I told you i'm not hungry man."Miguel replied

 "I still think your over reacting."demetri then said "I'm not over reacting dude.I know what i saw"Miguel Quickly Replied "All right, so you saw her having dinner with some chode."Hawk said before kicking bert in the face.

"It's probably her brother or something."He then added on "No,Dude."Miguel said "Brothers don't like at their sisters like that."He added on "Depends on what part of the country your in."Demetri added on

"look i just don't want what happened to sensei to happen to me."Miguel said "alright so you go over to this kid and beat his ass so he doesn't have a chance."hawk said "You know what's funny.My twin brother was out late that night."I said "How is that funny?"Miguel asked

"It could be him."I said "In better words don't listen to Eli."Demetri said "It's Hawk."Hawk said "Yeah Whatever the fact is,Sams given you no reason to not trust her."Demetri said "Oh that little bitch."Aisha said

"what?"Miguel asked "You know that video i posted of me breaking that board?"Aisha asked "yeah."Miguel said and I stood up and went next to see what it said

"Look what yasmine commented."She said and the comment said Impressive...can't believe that belt made it around your waist "Regina George Strikes again."I said "Oh Shit."Miguel said "I gotta do something."Aisha said

"How about we kidnap her and have my boy rico tattoo "bitch" on her face."hawk said "No we are not kidnapping anybody or we will go to jail."I said "Calm down Hawk."Demetri said "Alright i hear how your saying it,and i don't like it."Hawk said "I spent a good hour on that Haircut too so respect it."I said

"Wait,Wait,Wait I got a better idea look."Aisha said and showed her phone which was just a story "Yasmine's throwing a birthday party at the Canyon later?"Miguel asked "not if we strike first."Aisha said

"hell yeah."hawk said

We were at a gas station getting snacks or foods "Be sure to stock up good i'm inviting everyone vip only my ass."Aisha said "I still don't understand how we are going to but alcohol."Demetri said

"Oh please never underestimate the power of the hawk."Hawk said While he tried to buy the things we were acting casual and he finally did it after the cashier asked him like 500 times.

After i helped set them up and invited people got yasmine's reaction on film and then i hanged out with people.

I saw Sam and Robby arrive and so i went up to Miguel "Is that the guy you saw last night?"I asked "Yep."He said "Oh shit is about to go down."I said and he walked up to them.

"Hey."We miguel and sam said "Who's this guy?"Miguel asked "Hey,I..."Sam said "This is your boyfriend?"Robby asked "Yeah.Miguel relax."Sam said and i walked up and just drunk some more beer.

"This is Robby he works for my dad."Sam said "Still?! I thought you just did that to make dad pissed off."I said and then i made my appearance known "Oh,with your dad.Okay that makes alot of sense."Miguel said.

"what is that supposed to mean.Wait have you've been drinking?"Sam asked "he has i'm pretty sure everybody here has had a drink."I said and then something happened and i just left with Robby i am 100% sure i didn't drink.

He was at this place and i talked to him about what happened.

"Hey,Robby and his sister i think."Mr.LaRusso said and i put a thumbs up at him "Mr.LaRusso i really need to talk to you about something."Robby said and i stood next to him before he came in.

"What the hell?"Our Father asked "What's going on?"He asked and me and robby took a few steps back in shock. "Hey Johnny,I forgot to tell you.Your not the only one with a student i have a student of my own."Mr.LaRusso said and then Our Father pushed Mr.LaRusso into the trophy thing "What the hell is wrong with you?"Mr.LaRusso asked

"What the hell is wrong with you?"Our Father said "Dad back off."Robby said "Dad just back away."I said

"Dad?"Mr.LaRusso asked "If you want to fight him you have to fight me first."Robby said "You got to be kidding me."Our father said and then left

and i just thought i should too and i did i waited and then robby got the door.

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