Quiver (1.6)

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When i got to school i found Demetri and Miguel "Heard you got your ass kicked by a old guy Demetri."I said "You see that is why i'm quiting."He then said "and besides who needs karate when i have you?"Demetri said then Kyler came saw Miguel and the left "See? no one's gonna mess with you."He then added on 

"Yeah your basically the Hercules or Tony Stark of this school.When people see you especially when you fight them they aren't going to mess with you."I said "She makes a good point."Demetri said and we went to biology.

Anyway we got to Biology and i took my seat next to my partner and then the teacher started talking "Hey guys.Who let the pigs out? I did,because i ordered  the fetal pigs.But seriously get in your groups."The Teacher said and then Samantha didn't have her partner "hey will anybody take another partner this little piggy needs one."The Teacher 

After a moment of silence Miguel said "We Will." and i smiled at them.

I texted Miguel saying "Nice job making your move." and then me and my partner did our work and then i went to La Russo Auto and waitied for Robby. he than came over "How was your day?"I asked "It's was fine."He said "Hey do we have any files?"He asked "I think one under the sofa."I said.

After we got home i got a call from Eli and i answered "Hello this is Robin."I said "Hey can you come over i need your help." "Alright I'll be over in 15 minutes."I said and hanged up and went over there

I knocked on the door and he answered "Hey Robin come in."he said and i entered "Alright what did you need my help with?"i asked "I need to redo my hair."He said "Like what?"I asked

"A Hawk with bluetips or something i don't know."He said "Stop i know what to do."I said "Go to your room I'll get the things i'll need."I said and he nodded I got a bucket,scissors,and two hairdyes and some paintbrushes from a paint set i found and i got to work.

"Is the black Hair dye nesscary?"He asked "Yes.Blue and Black go good together."I said before finishing "Done!"I said and i gave him a mirrior.

"Now that my job is finished don't tell your parents i did this."I said before running out and him yelling my name.........If his parents figure out i'm dead.

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