2. The becoming

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You'd lost count the amount of days you were stuck here, you could hear everything going on around you from your cell. Twice a day a guard would check on you, give you a meal and some water. You must of silently plotted your escape ten times already and each time it was the same ending, being caught and killed, but today's plan was different, after your dinner had been delivered by the same guard, or you thought it was, everyone looks like robotic clones, same uniform, hairstyle and silent, always silent.

Even as you thanked them they just ignored you and walked away, but that was what you wanted to do, if they had stayed for too long they might have seen you keep the knife they gave you, you knew exactly what to do with this.

Those footsteps you've become so used to began striding down the corridor to your cell. You began to think he did it purposefully so that you'd know he was coming, the closer he got, the louder his boots hit the floor. This would be the first time you'd seen him since the destruction of your planet, and this would be your time for revenge

"Well hello pet" Kylo said

" I'm not your pet! And i'm not talking till you take that ridiculous mask off, you're probably hideous and that's why you don't show your face" you spat, "or is it that your really an old man and you don't want to seem weak to your prisoners?" you could see the anger rising in him as you spoke.

" Well well, my pet has some fire in her, I like that, but I assure you I am no old man, nor am i hideous" the mechanical voice spoke

"Oh... so weak it is then, your weak, oh who would have thought the commander of the glorious first order was weak" you smirk

" I. Am. Not. Weak. " He says, pausing after each word

"Prove. It. Then" You challenge him, desperate to see the thing your talking to

Suddenly you hear a click and a hiss and the mask is gone, and behind it is a man, he cant be much older than you, twenty-one or twenty-two maybe. But the anger is still there, it's spread across his face. Maybe you shouldn't have antagonised him so much, or maybe it's what he deserves for stealing you away, murdering your parents and destroying everything you once loved.

Back home the royal guards had trained you in combat if ever the occasion rose that you needed to fight. It was peaceful on Naboo so there was never a need to use the skills they had taught you. Looks like there's about to be a need to use them. You raise your hand and swiftly land a *smack* across his face. And you go to move with the knife in hand, aiming straight for his jugular, he see's this and quickly disarms you and you are thrown again the wall of your cell, but this time it's not the force holding you there, it's him.

You try to fight back but he has you pinned, his long, thick, black hair slowly falling between the two of you, you pause for a moment scanning his face, taking in all of his features. His eyes are a dark brown, almost black and he has a scar going over his right eye and ending near his lips. You can't help but want to reach out and touch him but he still has your arms pinned, you wander back up to his eyes and for a split second you catch him staring at your lips as if he's about to kiss you, your mind runs wild with the thought of him doing unspeakable things with those lips.

With a smack you land on the floor, no longer being held up by those arms, those strong arms.

"Your thoughts are too loud pet, you better keep them to yourself or you'll regret it" He announces before fleeing your cell.

The sound of his boots becoming quieter and quieter until you know he's truly gone, and you wander what he could have meant by 'your thoughts are too loud'.

Did he read my mind?

Did I say anything out loud?

Am I really going to become his pet?

Questions bounce around your head until tiredness takes over and you drift to sleep thinking of Kylo Ren.

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