Chapter Thirty-Two - Spellbound

Start from the beginning

"But... she has not come out of her room. I am unsure if we should worry her."

I stop and turn my whole body, stepping back slightly to the point where my foot almost slips on the first step. My face flushes red at this mistake, and I pretend not to notice it, or my hot cheeks. "Okay. I'll ask her, and I'll come and find you when she says yes."

I look back in the direction I'm headed so as not to tumble down the stairs, give Starfire a backhanded wave, and leap down the entire flight to find the half-demon--not that I can't predict where she'll be.


I twirl in the air absentmindedly as I float over to Raven's room. Once there, I land on the ground and knock on the cloaked girl's door, loud enough that she can't ignore it.

It opens, barely, to reveal the half-demon, and she says nothing, only raising her eyebrows to warn me that she doesn't want to do anything.

"You're busy?" I confirm.

"Yes," comes her curt reply, and she shuts the door in my face. I'm tempted to hammer on her door and tell her off for being so rude, but I promise myself that I'll do the right thing and turn around to leave before I change my mind.


I carefully venture through the stores, allowing Starfire to lead the way. I try to walk faster, but Starfire doesn't see me as she hums her tune. Eventually, I give up, and lift off the ground, flying over to her.

"How do you walk so fast?" I ask her, lowering myself to only a few centimetres from the ground so that my flight isn't as apparent.

"What do you mean?" she replies, instantly and innocently.

I stifle a laugh as Starfire slows down, turning the corner and looking into a store. "Nothing. Don't worry about it."

The look on the alien girl's face as we enter the store is priceless.

I look over the room as we venture through it. It is narrow, but long, with mirrors lining the left wall, accented with hot pink. On the right hand side is a register, and a middle aged woman stares at us, before whispering into another woman's ear on her right.

As she does this, I glance at Starfire wearily, who, to my surprise, doesn't seem to take notice of the women. "Hello," she instead says, smiling at them sweetly, but I pull her back.

"Okay, Star," I say, looking in her eyes. "I don't want to sound... mean, but I've lived here longer. I'll do the talking."

Starfire only nods as I turn around to the ladies. "Hair ornaments. How much?"

The younger woman leans into the older woman's ear, whispering something unknown to me, before blurting out, "Twenty-five."

"Sure." I nod and hand a twenty dollar note and a five dollar note to the first woman, who puts it into her cash register. "Do whatever you like with mine. I don't mind."

The first woman nods and sits me down in the chair furthest from the door, with the second woman guiding Starfire to the other one.

Before I can even blink, she has a lock of my wavy hair resting in her palm, a hair curler above my head. She quickly wraps my hair around the device and steam floats above as I watch curiously.

Through the mirror, I look at Starfire, who beams back at me when her eyes meet mine. Her hair is almost done, with the hairdresser behind her now carefully placing ornaments in her beehive hair.

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