"What do you mean?"

"You'll know when the time comes."

"If that is all, I shall return to my room." She said.

"Not so fast my dear." He said with a Cheshire cat grin.

She looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"You are quite stupid aren't you?"

The only stupid one here was him, but she decided to keep her mouth sealed.

"You can't leave yet, you still have a dance lesson to do."

She sighs, what had she gotten herself into?


"Where are you taking me?" She questioned.

The masked man had a strong grip on her wrist as he pulled her along some unusual passage.

They had only danced for about 10 minutes, before he decided to grab her and prance down some unusual corridors.

He continues to walk, not uttering a word, grasping her wrist even tighter, signalling for her to keep quite.

The last thing he needed was for someone to alert Mr Jeon. Which wouldn't be too much of a problem, as he would simply kill them. But cleaning up the body would be too much of a hassle.

They had now been walking for about ten minutes, before they reached a wooden door, a large key hole was just under the door nob.

The masked man lets go of her, pulling what look like metal wires from his pocket.

He jabbed them into the key hole, twisting and turning it, until he heard a familiar click.

The brass handle was cool against his palm as he twisted it, before pulling it open.

A cool breeze kissed her skin.

It was the outside.

"How?" She asked, no matter how hard she looked around this mansion, she could not find a way out, the route he took her was so complex that she could barely remember her last ten steps.

"Would you rather stay inside?" He questioned.

She instantly shakes her head.

"Then keep your mouth shut, before I cut out your tongue and deliver it to your dear husband." He threatened.

She gulped, he couldn't be serious, right? Then again he did seem like he had a screw loose, in fact it seemed he had a whole brain missing, after all he was wearing a festive mask, and Christmas had long gone.


She nods, she wasn't going to risk getting dissected.

"Good, if you try to run I'll kill you, or would you prefer I hold your hand again?"

She looks down at her wrist, a light red circle was now visible, due to the tightness of his grip.

"I won't run."

"What a obedient little bitch you are today." He said with a grin.


"Why are we here?"

It was a graveyard, he had brought her to a grave yard?

Was he planning to kill her?

No, that's absurd, if he wanted to kill her, wouldn't he have done so sooner rather than later?

But she had to run, she wouldn't let herself get killed so easily.

"Don't even think about it." He glared at her. He saw the way she was analysing her surroundings. The second she attempted to flee he'd have a dagger jabbed through her precious little heart.

He began to walk, his boots thudding lightly in the dirt, she cautiously followed behind. Her hands had begun to tremble.

If she tried to run, he'd catch her in minutes, one could only run so far in heels and a frilly dress. He already warned her, she would rather stay alive for long as possible.

The masked man came to abrupt stop.

A small gasp escaped the girls mouth.

It was a grave, but it seemed to have been dug up.

Her expression became puzzled. He had dragged her out here to show her a dug up grave?

"W-who's grave i-is that?" She asked, trying her best not to stutter.

"Yours." He said with a smirk, before shoving her into the deep hole.


Author's Note: hello beautiful beings, how are you? Apologies for the extremely late update. Unfortunately I have been very busy, and sadly am still occupied. But I've managed to write up a chapter, I hope you enjoyed it, I'm not sure when I'll next update, but I'll try my best to find time to write, love you guys lots💕

Crystal BallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora