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Three things cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth


"Safe?" A voice asked, "Don't be ridiculous darling"

The group turned around and came face to face with Verity Queen.

The short woman was dressed in a red hanfu and a bun sat at the top of her head with hair sticks in them. She made a show of brandishing her weapon: nunchucks. Then sent Lila a menacing glare.

The group took a protective stance in front of Lila (minus Mylene, Sabrina, Ivan, Luka, Chloe and Kagami).

"Don't worry Queen Bee is here to save you!" Chloe said proudly yet made no effort to help.

"I'm not here for you leeches." Verity Queen addressed them. "You can't protect her, not from me. It's pointless. So move out of the way and I'll spare you"

"No!" Kim yelled.

"Do you not want to see the light of day?" Verity Queen threatened.

Kim shrunk a bit. He'd known Sabine for ages (a product of being childhood friends with Marinette) so he knew just how scary she could be. Sabine was a martial artist with strength gained from baking so if you add an akuma into the mix you get... a nightmare.

"I think we should just let her have Lie-La," Kagami shrugged. "Also nice Hanfu" She complimented.

"Thank you" Sabine beamed, then her face darkened, "now back to the matter at hand" She turned to look at the crowd gathered around Lila. "Part!" She ordered them.

"What are you, Moses?" Alya asked. Sabine's eyes narrowed sending a chill down their spines. And they did, indeed, part like the sea.

"What you guys are all going to throw me to the wolves?" Lila sputtered.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm only going to make you confess," Verity Queen smirked. She hit Lila with the nunchucks and she began to vibrate.

"What the hell?" Lila asked. Then she let out a yelp. She felt like her head was about to split open. There was a prominent ringing in her ears, she couldn't hear much else. She cowered, dropping onto her knees and screaming again.

"You said it wouldn't hurt!" Alya shouted.

Verity Queen merely shrugged, "The truth hurts".

Then Lila began speaking, "I didn't save Jagged Stone's cat! I don't have tinnitus, I never have! I never sprained my wrist. I'm not even Ladybug's best friend"

The group gasped.

"Gah!" Lila clutched her head in her hands. "I don't know any famous people I told you about. My mother isn't even an ambassador she's the ambassador's assistant! And I threatened Marinette in the bathroom. I told her I'd take away all her friends, that I'd leave her all alone. And I faked falling down the stairs, planted the test answers in her bag and my necklace in her locker to frame her - and it worked because Mr Damocles is a dumbass. I also work with HawkMoth. I willingly got akumatised into Chameleon not to mention I made a deal with an akumatised villain to kill Ladybug!"

A butterfly mask appeared on Verity Queen's face, "Wonderful Verity Queen. You have scheduled your goal. Now head to the bakery- I've made it a castle for you and Princess Justice. There you will await further instruction. Ladybug and Chat Noir will fight you soon"

Verity Queen nodded and left.


Chat Noir searched the school for his Princess but came across another Princess instead.

"Sorry but we're going to have to take your miraculous," Princess Fragrance said pulling an apologetic face.

"Make this easier for yourself and hand it over," Reflekta sneered.

"Juleka, Rose this isn't you. HawkMoth has taken advantage of you but you can fight it" Chat Noir said.

"This is me" Rose pouted.

"Need a snickers?" He asked.

"What?" Juleka snapped.

"Because you're not you when you're hungry- or in this case when you've been akumatised" He joked.

"This isn't a game you Alley Cat! If you won't give me your miraculous then I'll take it!" Juleka screeched.

"You'll have to cat-ch me first" He smirked.


Two scarlet butterflies flew into the air. "CATACLYSM!" Chat Noir yelled destroying them both.

"What happened?" Rose asked.

"You guys were akumatised," He replied.

"It's because of Marinette. She's so nice I don't understand why she would-" Juleka began.

"She didn't. She didn't do anything. It was a set up. Lila set her up" Chat Noir replied.

"But why would-"

Chat Noir's miraculous beeped. "Sorry gotta head out" and with a two finger salute he volted up to the 3rd floor boys' toilets.


"Plagg I tried calling Ladybug why wouldn't she pick up?" Chat Noir asked.

"Maybe she's... sleeping?" Plagg suggested. "Now give me cheese"

Adrien rolled his eyes and pulled out Camembert from his shirt pocket. "Gross," He muttered under his breath.


"Hey Hawky," Princess Justice smiled looking at herself in the mirror at her castle. "Thanks for the outfit. I was a bit doubtful at first because normally your outfits are horrid but this is impressive" She pulled out her sketchbook and began to draw it. An off-the-shoulder, big, poofy crimson Princess dress that flowed down to the floor matched with deep red lipstick and red eyeshadow; a black corset; black, knee high high-heeled boots and a matching pair of leather, elbow-length gloves; hair resting on the side of her hair in a fishtail; bright pink sclera eyes and dark pink irises; a big, black, metal hammer which was almost the same size as Marinette herself; to top off the look a rose gold tiara rested on top of her head.

"You have talent," He complimented looking at her sketch. He was rather fond of this Marinette girl (maybe one day she'd be his daughter-in-law). He felt kind of guilty for akumatising her but quickly brushed the feeling off.

"I know," She smirked. "So what powers did you give me?"

"The power to exact Justice" He spoke.

"You're gonna have to be more specific Hawky" Princess Justice replied.

"It doesn't really get more specific than that. Your literal power is to exact Justice. That Hammer of yours only you can carry it and it can also cause destruction and is big enough to create a gust of wind to push people away. But it's most important feature is it's ability to exact justice. You can do practically whatever you want with that hammer- as long as it's justified," HawkMoth smiled.

"So what I'm hearing is..." A sly grin formed on Marinette's face, "I'm your most powerful Akuma?"


Word Count:1095

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