Chapter One

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"Breathe. Focus on the light within your body. Focus on the threads that entangle and pass through everything. Reach out--feel the threads as they envelope everything. Feel it fill you. Feel it pass through you."

"Emotion, yet peace."

"Find solace in the fact that you are all-encompassing. Know that you are connected to others, feeling what they do. Feel peace--protect this bond. You are one with something much greater than anyone could ever imagine."

"Ignorance, yet knowledge."

"Know that there is injustice in the universe. Everything has an opposite and equal. Accept this, acknowledge it, do not fight it, but release the temptations to give into the dark. Do not obsess over the injustices, but try to fix them. Find solace in helping others. Bring balance to those around you."

"Passion, yet..."

Armitage laying against a pool of fine black silk sheets, pale skin seeming to glow against the fabric. Crying out in passion. Armitage giving a small smile, so unlike him, dressed in his uniform on the bridge. Making sure the look was hidden from others. Armitage standing before his mirror, naked, complaining about his neck.

Fire. Armitage unconscious on a burning ship. Eyes filled with hatred and betrayal. More fire--blue eyes glinting against the flickering flames. A ship coming, blowing out the fire, covering Armitage in a fine layer of dirt.


Ben Solo gasped, falling backwards. Rey gasped audibly too, almost falling, catching herself at the last minute. For a moment the pair simply stared at one another.

Slowly, Ben sat back up. He was across from Rey. They had sat cross-legged on the floor, gently holding each other's hands. Until...

Ben felt himself flush and he looked at the ground, refusing to look at Rey. This had happened often enough she needn't ask what went wrong.

"It's okay, " she said with a reassuring smile, "we'll take a small break."

Ben still couldn't look at her. "Sorry."

"I should be the one apologizing," Rey said. She rubbed her face. "If I knew what I was doing..."

"You're doing a fantastic job," Ben replied. He went to pat her knee but then hesitated. Finally he decided to and gave it a couple pats. Rey laughed at his awkwardness, causing him to flush again.

"I just worry this should be easier..."

"You're right. What am I doing!?" Angrily, Ben got to his feet and began to pace like a caged animal. Rey looked up at him, her mouth a small 'o'. "I mean look at me, dressed like this."

Ben no longer wore clothes of black. He wore a white undershirt with long sleeves and black pants. Around him was a robe, cut and fashioned in the Jedi style, a slick grey in color.

"Why did I ever think this would work? I've been so wrapped up in--in--feeling things, and being passionate--and forsaking the light in me--and--"


Rey got to her feet and immediately went to his side. She looked up at him, her brown eyes expressive and filled with sympathy.

"That's not what I meant. You're doing a great job. I am worried I'm not. I'm just...Rehashing what little I know."

Rey looked to the side and wrapped her arms around herself. "I'm no Jedi Master. I feel almost wrong trying to teach you."

"How do you know what you know? I remember some of it..."

Truthfully Ben had purposely suppressed and dismissed most of what he had learned from his uncle all those years ago. What Rey and him meditated over was familiar, but like a dream he couldn't quite remember.

Strength (Book Two of the Into The Fray series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang