A CATastrophic Problem

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"I have to be subtle with this"  Gabriel said pacing.

"Of course Master" Nooroo said.

"Maybe I could only let Adrien go out with his friends if Marinette is there . . ."  Gabriel said

"I don't think that is subtle Master"  Nooroo said.

"Nonsense, I just have to find a way to keep the girl away from any other boys . . ."  Gabriel trailed off.

"I don't think that is something you can control Master. . ."  Nooroo decided he couldn't change his Master's mind.  Why even try?

"Sir?"  Natalie said, peaking her head into his office.

"What is it Natalie?!  Can't you see I'm busy?!"  Gabriel said.

"You may want to see this, it's about Miss Dupain-Cheng"  Natalie continued, handing him a phone.

"WHAT?!"  Gabriel shouted.  He couldn't believe his eyes.  It was a video of Chat Noir cuddling with Marinette on her balcony, and before he left he brought her back inside and left.  

"NO he can NOT get in my way!"  Gabriel shouted.  Thankfully, the office was sound proof to the outside.

"What are you going to do sir?"  Natalie asked.

"I will wait to see the outcome."  Gabriel said coldly.


"Plagg!  This is amazing and awful at the same time!"  Adrien said, his face bright red.

"You like her don't you?"  Plagg asked.

"No, she's just a frie- Who am I kidding?  Yes, yes I do, and dating her as Adrien is hopeless, she's scared of me, but as Chat Noir, she's honest and open with me.  I have a chance, but now everyone knows, she's going to get bombarded with people asking questions and-"  Adrien said.

"Kid calm down, I am sure that most people wouldn't recognize her, and besides, she can handle that, she wants to be a fashion designer right?  That means a lot of publicity."  Plagg cut him off.

"Thanks Plagg, good night"  Adrien said yawning.

"Good night Adrien"  Plagg said laying down in the bed.

Hawkmoth's new Hobby: ShippingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora