Chapter 1

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"Hey dad, can we stop by the gas? I really have to go." Nail begged. "We just have a few more miles, we'll be there just in time." His dad said in a deep voice like if he was very sick. My sister, Riley, using her phone texting her friends about the boring trip across the country just to see grams and gramps instead of taking a plane and my brother, Hans, playing with his hands, I mean he is just 6 years old. My mum, she's playing with her phone she barely knows how to use and my dad driving. Once we got to grams house at 2 am in the morning we dropped our bags in the living room and slept in an inflatable bed in the living room because our aunt and uncle are in the guest room. Early in the morning I woke up by the sounds of my dad switching channels on the tv. He asked, " what are you doing up so early." I didn't say anything or look at him I just stared at the tv then he put the news about a terrorist attack on a plane that was live and was heading for the twin towers, people were getting frighten he woke up everyone. A few more minutes later the plane crashed into the twin towers hundreds of people died mostly all the girls were crying because they were scared but I just stared since I woke I kept staring at it, I was asking myself questions in my head, how many terrorist were there? How many people were in the plane? How many people were in the building? How many people died? So on, everyone stared at me once the commercials turned up in the tv, they were confused because I was never this quiet I would always be the one that talks the most. I laid down again and took a quick nap it was awkward because they were still staring at me. Once I fell asleep I had a dream, I had this dream when I was six and ten, I still remember, were my family and I go on a cruse ship and it sinks but this time terrorist sunk it, it almost felt like it was real. Once i woke up my dad was the only one awake watching the night football, he asked if i wanted to got to the gas. There was nothing else to do so i said sure.

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