(Chapter Three: Cave Of Miraculous Treasures)

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New Format! For notes, rather than writing them in bold, I've started numbering them like this:

Bananas are gross [1]. The [1] can be found near the end for the notes.


Marinette let out a satisfied hum as she stretched in her bed, thankful that Sabine had let her off of work for the day after yesterday's turn of events. Parts of her skin were still painful to the touch and excruciating itchy from her sunburn. Nonetheless, she was able to apply as many layers of floral scented creams onto her skin, prompting her good mood.

To her, there was nothing better than smelling like a literal cherry blossom.

Of course, there were actually better things, but per usual, that was just Marinette being Marinette.

Running her fingers along her skin, Marinette huffed, sinking into her satin sheets.

"Ah, I was afraid I was going to have to enter through the actual entrance. But you're in here, so I'm coming in," a voice said from her window. Marinette shot up, practically flying out of bed. She scanned over the figure. Then:

"Dami?" the figure snorted, pulling down their hood. A ponytail of beautiful curls was placed along her shoulder. Marinette couldn't see most of her face as Dami's mask of deep green was placed amongst it. Her eyes twinkled with humor and curiosity.

"Correct," Dami said, tightening the loosened knot on the lapel area on her cloak.

"What brings you here?" Marinette did her best to act as smooth as possible. Does wearing your old pajamas while leaning on the edge of your bed post count as 'smooth' in the terms of the word 'smooth' itself? Or did that not make sense? Either way, Marinette probably lacked it.

"I figured you would want to know more about me. Not to mention, both my mother and my grandfather have been getting on my nerves today, therefore I chose to sneak out and see you. Now put on something acceptable and come with me."

Marinette gaped. "What's wrong with my pajamas?"

Dami shot her a glare that sent terrible shivers up her spine.

"Of course," Marinette walked over to her closet, pulling out a purple vest, white blouse and tan pants. "Is this 'acceptable' in your terms?"

"It's better than whatever you're wearing now."

If Marinette could, she would have had an aneurysm over how sarcastic or snarky Dami was. She turned her head around to ask for some privacy, but it seemed as if Dami had gotten the message, based on the way Marinette could hear faint footsteps on top of her roof.

Marinette quickly changed, tossing her forgotten pajamas over her shoulder.

She was quick to venture downstairs, just barely dodging her startled mother who was carrying an entire platter of freshly baked buns. Looking over the main room, she saw their main customers, who were all sitting around in their provided chairs, eating or chatting over life.

"Maman- stop shouting, please- I'm going to go out, is that alright with you?"

Sabine huffed, placing the platter onto the counter. "Of course. Curfew-" she grabbed the flaps on Marinette's vest. "On time, Marinette. Or I will smack you with a bread paddle."

The bluenette humorlessly laughed. "Of course, Maman. Thank you."

Planting a kiss on her cheek, Marinette ran back to her bedroom, where Dami had climbed back in through the window. She rested one hand on her hip, the other against one of the raised backings on Marinette's bed. She moved her ankle around in circles, presumably relieving strain or a pulled muscle.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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