Chapter 1

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My bed squealed as I quickly rolled off of it. I groaned. That probably just woke up the whole orphanage.

Thinking of the word made me sick to my stomach. Orphanage. For 18 painful years, I remained here. Staring at the pale gray walls, mopping the dreary wooden floors. No one willing to adopt, no one even willing to glance at me.

I took one last look into the floor length mirror on the wall next to my single bed. I still had mid-length brown hair and a plain face. Brown hair. Brown eyes. Nothing special or different. Which is good, no one pays much attention to normal people.

Except. I'm not normal. I'm anything but. Having voices in your head really messes you.

'Just leave.' The voice was almost wispy sounding. It spoke like steam from a kettle.

The king and queen don't like differences. Anyone too disabled was banished. Anyone with too many opinions killed. Anyone with too many voices in their head...also killed. It's not like anyone can tell I have voices in my head, but I just can't stand this place.

I'm not a huge fan of the Queen or the King. Plus I have nothing tying me here. Eventuality I'd have to move out of the orphanage and start my own life anyway, but I'll have to work long hours at some sewing house or cooking house since they were the only 'womanly jobs'. Which is absolute rubbish. Not to mention boring. Routine kills.

Sometimes I forget my voices aren't real, actual beings, and find myself sitting in my room for hours listening to them, which isn't healthy. Not everything they say is positive.

I like to think of myself as self sufficient. Being different isn't bad, I can't help it. And I no one else will understand so I keep to myself. People only know what they experience.

I sighed as I slung my bag of few possessions over my shoulder. I took once last glance around the room, my eyes landing on Stacy, the new 8 year old just admitted.

'She'll get adopted. What will you get?!?' This voice was angry. It spoke low, fuming with hatred. 'You'll get tossed out into the streets.

I noticed the sun starting to peak out over the horizon, seeping in though tattered black sheets that hung from the window. I started to rush down the stairs. Skipping the fourth step, which was creaky, I ran down to the plain, wooden-floored kitchen. There lay a long dining table. The rest of the house had average furnishing. It was to distract you from the actual place where we lived, upstairs.

Tiptoeing into the pantry, I grabbed the sack of food I packed yesterday and walked out the door, silently closing it behind me.

I sneaked around the back of the girls' home and ran straight down the alley passing dumpsters, cats, and rich, Tall houses along the way. The orphanage was a mere closet compared to them. I'm surprised people here are so ignorant.

About 20 minutes later I reached a towering, 50 foot tall brick wall. I crept along the wall to the center, where there was a tall, beautiful ivory gate. Bright green vines sneaked around the swirls and whirl patterns on it. Sheltered by a street venders' tall wooden stand, I sneaked a look at the gate.

The towering, ivy wall was guarded by 4 or 5 armed palace guards. I cursed under my breath, I hadn't planned this far ahead.

'Poison.' A voice whispered, fading away.

Confused, I covered my nose and watched as everyone in front of the gate collapsed, asleep.

Taking the opportunity, I ran into the Forrest directly outside the gate.

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