Chapter 8: Fill in to feel it

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Days felt like years as Saha watched Dalmi bury herself into work.

After Dalmi's admission, her best friend had spoken nothing more of it but Saha could still see that the light in her eyes had faded somewhat.

Endless flowers and knitted gifts had been delivered to Seo Dalmi's Penthouse, but only for Dalmi to demand Halmeoni get them out of her sight or to be returned to the sender.

Saha had watched her flinch and become nervous on more than one occasion when they were out in the city for lunch. Men would come in with buff physique, sex on legs and Dalmi's assumption that it was Nam Dosan only left her with a bitter taste in her mouth when they turned out to be someone else; less defined, less Dosan.

Chulsan had come and gone for dates with Saha but said little to persuade Dalmi that Dosan had made a mistake. If he did, she wouldn't have listened but dismissed the comment and continued to hide herself behind her drawing.

It had been over a week, now Friday and Dalmi had convinced herself the numerous efforts from Dosan would stop, assuring Saha that when it did, it would be best for both of them.

"Jung Timjangnim, I need those ideas on my desk by noon." Dalmi shot as she dismissed her team following their usual meeting.

"I thought we said they could be done for Monday, Sajangnim. We want them to be perfect-" Saha cut in as the team dispersed.

"It seems pretty clear that design is my forte and I have the authority to demand deadlines when I wish. If she can't complete simple tasks in a timely manner, she shouldn't be one of our employees." Dalmi snapped back, leaving Saha slightly taken back by her sudden outburst.

Following Dalmi back into their office, she found her drawing again. Normally she would have pushed most of her designs forward for consultation of their lines but lately it seemed that all she could draw was a few outlines and scribbles against the page.

"You may have authority over the creative side of this business but incase your forgot, we are co-owners in this business and I get a say in how you treat our staff." Saha began, hand on hip, scrutinising the way Dalmi sat in such a blasé state.

"Ya! Look at me when I am talking to you," she warned as Dalmi unexpectedly did as she was told.

"You know full well that those sketches are due on Monday and not needed for material choices and consultation until next Friday. Jung Timjangnim will follow her original task."

"Things change, Sangmooisanim." Dalmi rasped, swallowing the hard lump that was forming in her throat.

As soon as the words left her lips, she knew she shouldn't have said it. Saha froze for words and saw the defeated look in Dalmi's eyes. This was not at all about deadlines or business, this was about her.


"Sajangnim, these were delivered for you!" Secretary Shin smiled as she appeared in their office with a handful of knitted scarves.

"If you come one step closer with those, consider yourself unemployed. Get them out of my sight, now!" she spat, standing abruptly and going to grab her coat but in the flurry, a phone dropped from it.

"Shin bisseo, please go back to your desk." Saha nodded, as Secretary Shin snuck out of their office in a very fragile state, taking the knitted scarves with her.

"Ya! Where are you going?" Saha asked, trying to block Dalmi's exit.

"To the suppliers," she shot back, side stepping her tall friend in effort to leave.

"Don't you need your purse?" Saha gesture with raised eyebrows.

When she was unable to side step the quickness of Saha, Dalmi realized she did need her bag which was at the other side of the room.

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