As we were just at the center a little boy about five run towards me getting free from his fathers hold. He latched himself around my leg. I smiled and picked him up halting my steps. His father and mother instantly ran towards me and kneeled." Plee--ase ff--orgive him your higness he is a hyper kid. Please don't pp--unish him! Shane come hereabd apologies to QUEEN! " It was good to be referred as queen.

"No! No! Why would I punish him?" I asked softly yet firmly. It was first time I spoke in public. I gave him bright smile. " Hewllow I am Shwane! Yow are swo pwetty! Are yow Swiya?"he asked. All were sterned. He used my first name. By now everyone in market stopped. They were listening intently to what we are talking. Gasps and murmers were heard. His father blanched.  " Shane! You can't use your highnesss's first name! It is disrespectful! Forgive him my queen! He is just a baby! His father blabbered. "Sowwy!"shane muttered.

" are swooo cwute!!! And its okay. You can call me siya!" I replied.  People gasped. " You are swo pwetty like my mwommy!!! You smwell swo gwood too!" He giggled." Of course young man. Your mommy is gorgeous and you are not bad yourself." I said and giggled back. He laughed. His parents gave us small smile. He was cuddled in my arms like little baby. My natural mother instincts were surfacing."Cwan I ask you swomthing?" He asked. I nodded."Mommy says a bad man is gonna start war and my daddy is Asisstant cwomander in chwief of army! He needs to go to help you and kwing Aniwrudh to defeat him. Will yow kweep my daddy safe?" He asked.

I was shocked. People surrounding me were perplexed. Waiting for my answer. Now my baba's words really sinked in about protecting his every soldier in army. " Forgive him your grace. He is baby. Shane no baby don't ask such questions!" His father said. And then I understood the importance of ever life deeply. I looked at Shane and smiled.

"Look baby you are too small to understand about war. At right this moment I and anirudh are trying our best to complete this war on our own without involving or risking life of any soldier. Because trust me baby your dad and each and every soldier in army of millions are part of my family. And protecting my family is my responsibility! Frankly at this moment I don't know anything about future but I promise you I and  anirudh will give our 100% and not let anything happen to any of the soldiers even lowest of them not only your dad.And as a high ranked warrior your dad is pretty much capable of handling himself and ethopia very much!

I sincerely respect your dad for his honorable service towards his nation. But this is not only our battle. You can also help by being strong man of the house and taking care of your momma while your daddy is out fighting for Ethiopia! Will you contribute in this war?" I asked.

"Ywes!!!!I AM MWOMMY AND DADDYS LWITTLE WARRIER!!!"He exclaimed. I laughed and tickled his belly making him erupt in fit of giggles. All the people surrounding us were dumbstruck seeing me freely interacting with child not regarding my status. "You are so kind my  queen. Thank you so much. Let's go shane!"his mother told him. "He had asked a question that made me realize the true meaning of victory! It was not at all bother Mrs." I replied. People gasped at my well mannered polite answer. Shane giggled and kissed my cheek . We bid by to his family and reached castle.

As soon as we reached castle becca was greeted like goddess. She was enjoying every bit of attention that bitch! As soon as I saw Ashley I ordered " pack your bags ash we are going for adventure. " Me, ash and becca!when baba saw me he ran towards me and hugged me tightly wishpering apologies after apologies! "I am sorry little bird!I am so sorry! I thought you left me again...i didn't know what....what to do...I..."he sniffled. I felt so bad. I hugged him tight and replied " I was just gone for walk daddy! I am fine baba! I am never gonna leave you. I will always come back to and for you!"I replied. He just purred and snuggled closer to me smelling my scent.

"I am ready baba. We have got a strategy! It is divided in 3  parts!" I explained. Of course after calming him down. Still he was reluctant on letting me go as of dangers but having ashy and becca with me was kind of reassuring for him. After everything was set with baba and anirudh I, becca and Ashley were ready to leave on our journey to get answers to our questions as we have very less time.

********( After discussing strategies {A/N: That's the secret 😜})......************


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             AGANTHA ROSEWOOD!

           The oldest and wisest first witch of Ethiopia. Teacher of michel.Creater of 1000 book set text book of witchcraft for young witches and wizard.Mother of michel and mother in law of becca...


We clasped our hand together and with baba and anirudh repeated our slogan......



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