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LUKE TELEPORTS to julie's school to ask her something. "hey!" he says, making her yelp.

"normal people don't do that, and ghosts definitely shouldn't." julie says quietly, crossing her arms. "what are you doing here?"

"we need to talk about what song we're gonna play tonight," he answers. "i was thinking.... 'great'?"

kids laugh around them, as it looks like to them like julie is talking to herself. she pulls out her phone, "hold up." before placing it on her ear.

"so you're just gonna take a call while we're talking? you know who rude that is?"

"hey! thanks for calling. otherwise people might think i'm talking to myself." she explains.

"right. nice." he nods. "anyways, it's just, y/n worked really hard on that song and i think-i think i would be really cool for her, you know?"

julie smiles at the boy's blushing face, "yeah. yeah i think 'great' is a... great choice."

"and um... i have one other thing to ask?" luke says, and she nods. "um, well, since y/n wrote it, i was kinda hoping you'd maybe let her sing the lead for the last duet bit?" he asks hopefully.

julie smiles at him, "of course. she wrote it, she should be able to be the lead for this one." she says.

he sighs in relief. "ok, cool. that's, um, that's pretty much all i wanted to talk to you about. so um, see you at practice." he says.

"oh. ok, well, see you then." she says as he teleports away.

only to be replaced by another spirit, y/n. "hey julie." she chirps as julie flinches again.

"god! you guys need a bell or something." julie sighs.

"the boys were being idiots so i thought i would come and get you to rehearse with us?" she says hopefully.

"what? no, i told my dad school first." she replies.

"yeah, and you're at school first, now let's go rehearse!" y/n pleads. "please." she pouts.

julie sighs. "i can't. i told nick i'd be his dance partner."

as if on cue, the blond kid y/n recognize from the dance calls out, "julie!"

"and he's heading this way!" julie says to y/n, "gotta go bye."

she turns to nick and looks at his outfit. "well, don't you look sharp." y/n teases.

"ready for our big performance?" he asks julie, unaware of the female ghost standing beside him.

"oh, yeah. yeah." julie laughs awkwardly, "we're gonna do great."

"i'm glad you're confident. even after three classes, i still think i got worse. it's good thing i got my secret weapon." he says cheekily.

y/n's clicks her tongue and chuckles. "uh-oh, i think somebody has a crush on julie." she teases. "oh, man, i wish i had some popcorn right now."

✓ I BELIEVE | L. PATTERSONWhere stories live. Discover now