9)Year two comin in hot

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"BLOODY FUCKING HELL LEARN. TO. PACK. YOU DAMN TWATS!!" And once again, you know where this is going. Percy throwing his packing fit once again, you laughed knowing where this going. "They can never get it right can they dear?" Molly said, "no I'm afraid not Molly" Marcus and y/n laughed while eating the waffles in front of you both, the boys already ate earlier, Percy yelling at them at 6 am was not how you wanted to wake up and go back to Hogwarts. You suddenly remembered the events of last night and felt the urge to throw up, running to the bathroom you puked, and puked, and puked. The twins came running in holding back your hair to make sure you were ok. "Love! Bloody hell! Are you ok?!" "Ugh I just need to lay down, go pack please I'll be alright." They skeptically looked at you and went back upstairs, but Marcus knowing you as a Slytherin didn't buy one bit of your bullshit. "I got her guys I'll hold her hair back." "Thanks Marcus!" They yelled. "Alright darling you're a Slytherin and you're puking. Slytherin's are amazing liars but you know, you're a little to close to me not to know that was bullshit. What's going on?" He said holding your hair back and rubbing your back. "Per-Perc-Percy" you said between your puking intervals. "Wants to take-" *throws up* "Angelina" *throws up* "I know what you're talking about, get it all out. I'll use a spell to make you feel better." He did the spell and suddenly you were on your feet and you felt great. "Thanks Marcus!" "No problem darling!" "Come on dear let's get something in you, before the ride to the platform. Oh Sirius! Good to see you!" You ran up and hugged you dad...he knew something was off without him saying a word you just said uttered "I'm alright." Tears threatening once again to drop from your eyes. You wondered why. Why her out of all people. She called you whore! She admitted she had wanted Fred! It was all you could think about, you didn't even realize that you were at the platform between 9 and 10. Like last year you ran through with your dad, knowing next year you might have run through with Ron seeing as you guys got somewhat closer than before. Once again amused that you walked through a wall, you went over to Ginny and Ron and gave them both hugs. "Both of you write to me everyday! I will always make time for you both. You understand?" "Yes of course!" "I'm always here for you both ok?" "Ok sis" they both said in unison. Right there and then everyone looked at you and stared in awe. They saw you as a big sister knowing you'd always put them before yourself. You said your goodbyes, and got on the train. Avoiding Percy you sat on the floor between Fred's legs, while he played with your hair you instantly fell asleep. His hands never left any part of you at all. The last thing you thought of was *do I have to go back? I'm not going to the burrow for Christmas, knowing he'll ask Angelina. Guess it's time I go to the Flints for a week and then Marcus, the twins, and Bill can come to my house. What about Ginny and Ron? Ugh! Maybe I should talk to Marcus about this later at dinner since I have to sit with my house table for the first day.*

You woke up in your dorm room with Marcus chilling on an air mattress watching tv, he finally found out what iCarly was. "Marcus?" "Oh hey you're up, don't worry we didn't miss dinner the other boys are getting settled in the Gryffindor tower. I told them I'd watch over you." He smiled lightly knowing something was on your mind he came up and sat on your bed. "I think I'm going to go to your house for a week, just us two then to my house and I'll have the boys come over." He saw right through you, he knows you. "You think he's going to invite Angelina to the Burrow after the ball?" "Marcus I laid in bed with him while singing our song as he fell asleep. Tears were coming down so fast, by his tone I know he would." "I know darling bu-" you ran to the bathroom to throw up again, Marcus right behind you to hold your hair and rub your back. "Hey hey hey just think of the students we get to watch tryout for the quidditch team!" He laughed, you tried but you started sobbing and puking. "Alright alright take it easy!" Eventually once you stoped puking you headed down to the great hall meeting the twins and walking with them. Marcus told them what was going on, everything the whole Angelina story and why you were puking. They just wrapped their arms around you and went to the Slytherin table with. You were so upset that you got physically sick, you were more important than house sortings. You sat between Fred and George, Marcus sitting across from you piped up said "hey guys, do you mind if I ask her? If you do I'll find someone else!" "Yeah mate go for it, we want her years here to be fun too, we'll get our chances with her." This time happiness was laced in their voice, no jealousy or anything. They were happy Marcus was going to ask you to the ball because of the fact that she had been very down lately. "So y/n" "so Marcus" "would you like to be my date to the Yule Ball?" You looked between the twins and they nodded with huge smiles on their faces. "Yes I would love too, thank you for asking." You put your leg over the bench and George did the same, you leaned your back into his chest, while hold Fred's hand and fell half asleep. You were aware of things going around you but you were out of it, finally the food came out and George whispered "love you need to eat, we'll sleep in your dorm room as well as Marcus but you need to eat." You didn't have any energy to argue and just ate some things, "is Bill ok?" "He's alright he knows what's going on as well but he didn't want to be suspicious to Percy so he opted to stay over there with him." "I miss them both but why her?" "Love we don't know but you have us" "I know and you two and Marcus are more than enough but Percy when I was the most depressed I lived for him, I was there, I know him like the back of my hand and now...she's going to-" you stopped talking realizing you're catching an anxiety and can't breathe, Fred caught on and grabbed the inhaler he holds for you at all times in his pocket, he shoved it in your mouth and puffed. After a few minutes you caught your breath. "Breathe love, here drink some water. That wasn't a question." George said handing you some water. Thankfully it was over and you walked to the Slytherin tower "OWWW BLOODY HELL" you got knocked over. "Oh sorry darling I didn't mean to knock you over. I'm Cedric Diggory, I'm in my second year I'm in a bit of a rush. You are?" "Oh hey Cedric I'm y/n, it's alright. Uhm would you possibly want to have a sleepover in the Slytherin tower with us 3? We'll explain everything in there if you." He smiled widely, "I just met you and you're this nice, how did you end up in Slytherin?" "Like I said I'll tell you everything if you join. I have my own dorm room so I have a couple of air mattresses in there, a tv, fairy light!, music too." You said excitedly. "Sure why not, let's go then" he smiled and followed.

"WAIT WHAT?! You're all best friends, Angelina does that to you, you both almost killed her and then he ends up liking her?" Cedric said amused and pissed at Percy. "Yup that's basically what happened, hey if you want for Christmas this year I was going to spend it at my house so you're welcome to come, but I'll have to stop at the Weasley's to see Ron and Ginny, and Bill as well." You agreed Cedric would become a close friend of yours in your year so you have other friends besides the twins. Currently you and the twins were sitting against the wall in your bed, with the tv and fairy lights on, and Marcus and Cedric on two opposite air mattresses, Marcus amused by the tv and Cedric turned towards me as we kept talking. I don't know what time it was but Marcus was snoring, iCarly was on the tv once again and Fred and George were comfortably cuddling you while you kept talking to Cedric, you checked your clock and it was 5:47 am. You talked all night about everything and your lives, you decided you'd stay up and just sleep later on. We binged iCarly episode until the other 3 woke up around 10 am, "good morning love!" Fred kissed your cheek and got out of bed, it was Sunday so you all decided to go down to the great hall in your pjs, "hey brat!" Percy said slinging an arm around you sitting at the Gryffindor table with the twin, Marcus and Cedric. You sat next to Cedric since you guys haven't stopped talking but you were half asleep and you could see it. George snapped a picture and put it in Sirius's book. "Oh hey" you said trying to act more tired than you were, "where's Bill?" "Sleeping as always! Do you guys mind if I go sit with Angelina?" Everyone looked at him and just smiled and said yeah except for y/n and Cedric. He wrapped an arm around you making sure you don't cry. "Love do you wanna have date today?" George said. "Sure what kind of date?" "Let's go back up to your dorm turn the tv on, stay in our pjs and just binge watch muggle shows! With Marcus and Cedric as our 3rd and 4th wheel!" Fred said excitedly. "Oh of course darling, let's take some food and drinks and we can put it in the mini fridge I got from my dad before I left for the this year." Sirius had decided he'd give you a gift every year you went to Hogwarts for you room knowing you'd love it, whether it's decor or not. This fridge magically filled up every time it's empty, thank Merlin! They all smiled, got up and left. No one said a word to Percy but had told Bill, which he came in his pjs as well and brought more food. "BILL!!" "Hey y/n!" He sat down on his air mattress and started watching the show as well. Everything was so peaceful and that's when Marcus snapped a picture of all of you and added it to Sirius's book. Everyone was having fun until Percy showed up...with Angelina. "Oh hey guys! You must be having a foursome with the slut over there" she said pointing at me, my blood physically started to boil. Cedric saw what was about to happen but before y/n got the chance "listen nows not the best time for all of us to put up with your snobby attitude. Just leave." "It was just a joke guys relax" Percy OUT OF ALL PEOPLE SAID. I sat in silence, in shock, in heartbreak. He defended her..."maybe you should just leave..." you said with your head down. Angelina scoffed and grabbed Percy's hand. "Come on Percy! Let's go do something fun! Like make out!" She slammed the door, thank merlin's beard she was gone. "Do you want to-" Bill was cut off and y/n laughed "no it's fine she's a twit hopefully he'll realize it eventually" you were calm and just had no energy, from now on every decided to stay in your dorm room. Your dresser and closet filled with your clothes and the twins, Bill's, and Cedric's clothes, they barely ever left the Slytherin tower, until quidditch started of course. Which it starts this week. "Y/n I have an important question for you about the quidditch team" Marcus came up to you smiling about something. Oh no. Oh no no no no no ! Was the only thought you had at that very moment.

Mischief Managed to love the Weasley twins (x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now