vi. the faulty messenger

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"Crinus Muto!" Professor McGonagall cast on herself, and her black and graying hairs all turned into a shade of maroon red. Some of the class applauded while there were 3 boys in the back, whispering and laughing. Lily clenched her fists at how noisy they were. She couldn't concentrate at all, and they were being so disrespecful.

"Is there something funny, boys?" Professor McGonagall asked coldly.

"Oh, Sirius just said white suits you more, Minnie." Peter said with a cheeky smile, making some of the class laugh.

"How dare you, Wormtail?" Sirius said incredulously before turning to Remus. "Moony, dear Wormtail is being an arse right now."

"Oh, Padfoot." Remus chuckled and ruffled his boyfriend's hair. "Wormtail should not be your concern right now."

Sirius was about to say something when Professor McGonagall spoke. "Detention, Mr. Black. Now, take out your Transfiguration books."

"Maybe, I can find out just how much hair she has left then." Sirius whispered to Remus and Peter, making them laugh silently.

Lily who was seated right in front of them rolled her eyes, thinking they deserved it. Although they stopped going after Severus ever since James Potter wasn't with them much this year, which everyone wondered about, they were still gits. Better but still gits.

She reached out of her bag to take her book but to her surprise, what she got was a letter with her name on the back and a white lily attached to it. What was this about? And when did it get into her bag?

"Hey, what's that?" Marlene whispered to her.

"I don't know." Lily whispered back in confusion, glancing to see if Professor McGonagall was there. When she was speaking, Lily quickly opened the letter

I know you don't love me anymore, but please don't act like you never knew me at all.

Lily's eyes widened at that. Who would send a letter to her when she had never even been in a relationship? James Potter? No, he stopped pursuing her at the end of their fifth year. She actually thought she would miss that, but it was more of a relief that James wasn't chasing after her anymore. But who? Who would do this and why?

"So, what is it?" Marlene whispered again, looking curiously at her.

"I –"

"Miss Evans! Are you writing letters instead of reading Chapter 3?" Professor McGonagall appeared in front of Lily with a frown on her face.

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