25. Hexes and Fists

Start from the beginning

I quickly leave the common room, making my way down the stairs and avoiding talking to anyone else. I finally reach my favorite tree and set myself up to study. Only a few minutes pass before I'm disturbed.

"There you are! I've been looking for you." Adrian plops himself next to me.

"Adrian, you need to go. I can't talk to you here, not now." Panic begins to rise in my chest.

"Trying to keep me hidden?" He laughs, placing a hand on my arm. As much as I want to shrug him off, push him away; I can't. His arm burns a hole of guilt in my chest.

"George will be getting here any moment. Please, I don't want him to-"

"Still thinking about that bloke? Always worried for him." His expression falters for a second, but his smile almost immediately returns. "You'd never have to worry about me."

He leans in, bringing his lips to my lips. He kisses me deeply and passionately, pulling me closer. I feel as if I've chugged gallons of butterbeer as I lean into his kiss for just a second. I pull back and lightly push him away from me. He's so big that he only moves a few inches away.

"Stop it!" I say, full of panic.

"C'mon. I felt you lean in. You don't need to keep denying it." He leans in again, stealing a kiss before I push him away again. Tears begin to well in my eyes. He was right. My heart is completely torn in two, the choice before me impossible to make. Although he had hurt me so badly by turning me away, I still ached for him. I realize his body is still slightly on top of mine. He tries to lean in again, but I put my hand up to stop him.

"I said stop." His eyes flash with the recognition that I was being serious. He doesn't attempt to lean back in; he wouldn't dare to force himself on me. "Please get off of me." He doesn't move, his body staying perfectly still as he whispers a soft apology. "Alright, it's fine. Adrian, just get off!" I playfully hit his shoulder.

"She said to get off of her." George's voice booms in my ears. Adrian finally turns, facing George. George stands before us shaking with rage.

"George I swear-" I start, but I am interrupted.

"I saw exactly what happened. What, you think forcing yourself on her is your way to her heart?" He reaches to Adrian's collar and lifts him to his feet.

"Watch yourself there. You don't want to keep picking a fight over something you know nothing about, especially since she just kissed me back." Adrian mutters, straightening his collar.

"You liar!" George growls, gripping his wand tightly as he raises it.

"You want to end up in the infirmary with your dear brother?" Adrian raises his own wand, staring menacingly at George.

"Please, please stop you two! There's no need to get violent, let's just forget this happened. I'm fine George, I swear it!" I cry, my tears uncontrollable.

"No, Mira. I let him get away with taking advantage of you before. I can't let him do it again."

"Take advantage? Are you talking about when she came to my dorm? She was practically begging me to rip her clothes off!" There is a coldness in Adrian's voice that startles me.

"Adrian, please. Stop." I yell, afraid of the rising anger between the two of them. His hand shakes around the tight grip of his wand.

George raises his wand at the same time Adrian does, both casting hexes at each other. They begin to duel, ignoring my pleas for them to stop. It takes only a moment for me to think of a plan, and I quickly yell "Accio wands!"

The summoning charm forces both wands to fly into my grasp, and I hold them close to my chest. Both boys look at me, their eyes alive with anger and excitement. In the blink of an eye, Adrian is jumping on George, tackling him to the ground. He hits George with his fists, a wild anger exploding from him.

George pushes him off, landing on top of him and beginning to hit him back. Blood streams from his eyebrow. Adrian attempts to fight back, but George is steady on top of him.

I run over to George to pull him off, but find my chin connecting to George's elbow as he brings his arm back to punch Adrian again. I fly back, seeing stars.

I hear both boys gasp, George quickly climbing off of Adrian and rushing to my side. He reaches a bloody hand up to my face, cradling my cheek.

"Get away from me!" I scream, pain coursing through my entire body. Adrian comes to stand behind George, blood streaming from his nose and lip. He reaches out to me but I shake my head. "You too! I told you two to stop! Just leave me alone, the both of you. I don't belong to either of you!" I shakily stand back up, leaving all my things thrown about on the grass as I rush to the castle.

Felix Felicis- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now