Chapter 30 - Not as pretty as you

Start from the beginning

If she had known there was something like this she wouldn't have come.

Beside them a huge octopus monster appeared. The whole ship was filled with screams, while Su Yi's eyes were shut tight – a warmth enveloped her ears.

The guy had covered her ears for her.

The surrounding noise was suddenly much more silent. She could feel the warmth from Chu Ying's palm and the heartbeat – one, two, three... thumping its way into the bottom of her heart.

By the end, the whole boat shook violently, but with Chu Ying's arms holding her tight, she didn't feel it too shaky.

It wasn't until they were out of the place, that she came back to herself. She was feeling sad over her phone when someone pulled the corner of her shirt, causing her to reflexively look down.

It was the spoilt brat on the boat, his face all meaty. "Sister, I ran into you just now, sorry."

Su Yi dragged out a smile. "... it's fine."

"Mother said your phone seems to have fallen into the water." He thought about it, then dug out two crumpled ten dollar bills. "Sister, I'll buy you a new one."

This time Su Yi really laughed. The child's mother had come up too, apologising a few times and saying that she could help foot part of the bill, Su Yi hastily made it clear she did not need that.

After the mother and son walked away, Chu Ying loosened the grip on her waist. "Feeling better?"

When the space on her waist emptied, Su Yi's regret wrote itself on her face. "Yeah."

She originally wanted to borrow Chu Ying's phone and give Wu Xue a call to tell her about the thing with her phone, but since she didn't remember Wu Xue's number that was moot. She had never been good with numbers. Even her own number took her a long time to vaguely remember, and when she tried to recite it, she slurred along the way.

Chu Ying took out his phone, downloaded the Disney App and handed it to her. "Take a look, is there anywhere else you want to go."

Su Yi thought about it and took his phone. "Let's go find some princesses to take some photos before going for dinner."

They had yet to find a princess, when they chanced upon a Mickey.

The people were crowding around looking to take a photo with Mickey, but Mickey came up to Su Yi, posed for a selfie and beckoned her to join!

Photographer Mr Chu and took a few photos on the phone.

Su Yi, who had yet to pose, was speechless.

When she went and looked, she had not even opened her eyes! She was so angry she almost laughed. "Couldn't you at least wait for me to open my eyes?!"

When she was done with Mickey, Su Yi found Snow White. When she went back to look, the princess looked good while she had her eyes closed again!

"... are you really out for me," she said. "She looks so good in the photograph, and I look so bad!"

Chu Ying glanced at the screen. "No."

Su Yi was still zooming in on the photo. "What?"

Chu Ying said, "Not as pretty as you."


Su Yi was satisfied.

The restaurants in the park were not only expensive, but also filled with people. The few they looked at had nothing to their tastes. By the time it was dark, the two had yet to find a satisfactory restaurant.

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