Chapter 13 - Livestream

Start from the beginning

Su Yi clicked her tongue, typing on the keyboard and deleting the answer, cleanly.


The livestream was on Sunday at some film studio. The pre-livestream photoshoot went quite smoothly. These few days her leg had mostly healed; though she couldn't walk too naturally yet, holding some poses wasn't too much of a problem.

This magazine had a site on some streaming App, releasing a livestream interview for every issue's cover model.

Before the interview, while she was touching up on her makeup, she was continuously checking her WeChat too.

The few messages she'd sent Chu Ying in the morning had yet to receive a response.

After that night, their chats were really... calm.

How calm? Every message she sent only received a message more than half a day later.

Whenever she thought about this, Su Yi couldn't help letting out a long sigh.

Wu Xue was standing right behind her. "Why are you always holding your phone nowadays?"

"Hey," Su Yi didn't reply, instead asked, "How long does Liu Minghao usually take to reply to your messages?"

"I'm so busy every day, how would I have time to send him messages!" Wu Xue said. "When his shift is over he'll come find me."

Su Yi was even sadder.

A staff came over. "Yi-jie, we can start now, are you ready?"

"I am." Before she got up, she used the eyeliner to draw a mole right beneath her eye, then she followed the staff out of the make-up room.

Wu Xue sat below the stage, looking like a school senior management sitting at the back of the classroom to listen to the teacher's lecture.

Today, was actually her seventh year anniversary with Liu Minghao, but Liu Minghao was on duty and she wasn't too reassured with Su Yi, so she followed her here.

An Xuan handed her a glass of water. "Wu-jie, have some water."

Wu Xue took the glass, asking off-handedly. "Is it settled at home?"

An Xuan said that someone passed away at home a while back and needed a few days of leave.

"It is," An Xuan said, really softly. "Thanks for the concern."

Wu Xue hummed in agreement and didn't say any more. Someone else's problem wasn't something she could do much about, so she might as well not ask too much. So long as she expressed her concern, it was enough.

This interview wasn't too formal – even the host was just some staff in the studio.

The staff set for her a rather cute rabbit effect that included beautifying effects.

Once the livestream opened, a flood of people came on.

"Su Yi, do you know that you got the bento tonight* (it's a way of saying that the actor/actress has received their 'bento' as the role they play in the show is over before the show itself is over, for their character is dead) hahaha."

Talking about Su Yi's character in the currently trending imperial-harem show.

The interview hadn't even begun when the live commenting had started.

Su Yi said, "Is the number of times I've gotten the bento very few?"

There was a whole series of 'hahahas' floating across the screen.

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