Makeout in the Whitehouse

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Trump walked into the Oval Office and slammed his books onto the desk. While he was sitting there angrily throwing and slamming everything down in sight, he saw as the office door opened reveling his vile..... yet oddly charming.... nemesis named Joe Biden walk in.

Joe slick grey hair was pushed back, and oh, those jeans.... those dark blue jeans, snug in all the right places.... made Trump feel a sudden erection. He quickly grabbed the slowly rising mountain in his pants and pushed it down and doing a little wiggle.

"What Joe!" Trump shouted to where all of Washington D.C. could hear

"I just wanted to check to see how my enemy would react to me surprising them." Joe said with a wide smirk "I can clearly tell you had a good one." He indicated by pointing at Trumps bulge

Trump, without hesitation, walked quickly up to Biden and grabbed his neck and pinned him to the wall


Trump walked over to the doors, closed, and locked them.

When he got back to Biden, Biden pushed Trump against the wall. He started kissing Trump on the lips in an intense make out. They were both taking deep breaths between each kiss, tongues fighting for dominance in mouths. Biden than began grinding on Trump making sure to hit their bulges together each time.

Biden made his way down to Trumps double chin. Biden slowly sucked on Trumps chin coochie while listening to the ghastly moans coming from him.

Trump grabbed onto Biden's titties giving them wiggles and squeezes, Biden did the same but instead went under Trumps shirt and pulled it off. He moved down licking and sucking each section he could, hickies trailing. He came back up and looked deep into Trumps eyes.

Then they heard the doors to the Oval Office door nob wiggling.

Trump quickly gather his undershirt, suit top, and tie and put them on. He hurriedly fixed his hair.

They both gave each other a kiss goodbye and Biden went out the window.

Trump made it look like he had been asleep, as that was the reason he didn't welcome his guest.

Trump thought about that day for the rest of his waking hours.


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