Hello Again

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That was supposed to be for dramatic affect like in dramatic movies.
I will now tell you a dramatic story which has happened in my life but it's not really entertaining because again I am boooooorrrrrreeeeeiiiinnnggggg
Wellllll I was at home being my adorable self when all of a sudden I get into a argument with my dad. I will spare you the details. Being my clueless yet adorable self I leave without my binder to school!!!!!!!!!!!! When I get to school I realize that my backpack doesn't feel like their is a pregnant elephant in it, I start to freak out. All I needed was that moment when I scream noooooooooooooo to the world like in the movies. And then I have to go through the torture of school without my binder. And in all the classes when I say I forgot my homework in my binder which I left at home they just give that same look that says I know your lying when I'm clearly not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well on the bright side I didn't have to carry all that stuff.
So that's my dramatic story. I hope no one can relate to this because it feels awful to have someone not believe you.
Well farewell dedicated readers and Cynthia I hope you had a great time reading also like if you well liked this and bye

And Cynthia if you are laughing please stop you are hurting my dignity. Byyyyyyyyeeeeeee :p

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