Part 2: Charms Catastrophe

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A/N: hi, here's part 2! There's slight angst but this is nothing compared to what's to come. hope you enjoy :)


"Sirius Black, for the love of Godric, could you listen to me?"

Padfoot was too distracted by the pretty, bubbly Ravenclaw girl sitting next to them to notice that y/n was struggling alone on their Charms assignment. She was positively exasperated at Padfoot, who was supposed to be her partner for the assignment, though perhaps "partner" was not the appropriate word because Sirius Black had been acting like a total dick the entire period.

James and Remus exchanged glances with each other, taking notice of y/n's annoyance which was increasing by the second. Sirius could be, ah, oblivious at times; but at the end of the day, he was always there for his friends, no matter what. Sometimes, you just had to be patient with him. 

"Sirius, at least pick up your wand," pleaded y/n. "You haven't touched it all period, and this is Charms class."

"Do you like dogs?" Sirius asked the Ravenclaw beside him, totally ignoring y/n. His back was turned in such a way that y/n couldn't even see his face. Bitch.

"Yeah, they're like, my favorite animal," gushed the girl, drunk under Sirius's charm. "I have two at my mom's house and they're just so cute."

"Cute, huh," muttered Sirius, smiling like an idiot. Behind him, y/n seethed. 

"Listen," she snapped, pulling Sirius away from the Ravenclaw girl. "Are you capable of doing anything besides staying off task? We're supposed to be done with this project and you haven't helped a bit."

Sirius pouted, regarding y/n with puppy dog eyes. "Aw, is little y/n upset? Does she want all the attention for herself?"

She lowered her voice. "Shut the fuck up, Pads. I'm not in the mood."

"Aw, now she's angry. Guess what, love?" He leaned close to her face, his eyes mischievous and his face deliciously punchable. "You can't make me do anything."

"That's it." Y/n set her Charms textbook down on the desk with a hard thump, making James, Remus, and a few other students jump. "I'm tired of your shit, Sirius. The world doesn't fucking revolve around you, did you know that? When are you going to realize your priorities and stop treating me like I'm nothing? I, unlike you, actually care about my grades and would really like to get this fucking assignment done, and if you hold me back, you're coming down with me. Now could you stop talking to that girl and help me?"

Sirius had leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, while y/n was on her rant. When she finished, now breathing somewhat heavily, Sirius checked his invisible watch and retorted, "Are you finished, or should I let you continue to embarrass yourself?"

All the blood rose to y/n's face and she looked around, seeing most, if not all, the students staring at her. And Professor Flitwick... oh shit. By the irritated look on his face, she was totally screwed. 

"Miss y/l/n, I would like to see you after class please," Flitwick grumbled, staring at her with beady eyes. "We do not tolerate language like that here. Please apologize to Mr. Black at once."

Sirius smirked, his ego higher than a kite. The Ravenclaw girl he'd been flirting with giggled and whispered something in his ear, to which he chuckled in reply. Sirius raised his brows at y/n, suggesting, Well? What are you waiting for?

Y/n swallowed her pride and mumbled a halfhearted apology. 

"Sorry, Miss y/l/n, I couldn't hear that. Could you be a little louder please?" Sirius was the world's biggest prat. 

"I said I'm sorry, Sirius."


She said between grit teeth, "Do you forgive me?"

A satisfied smile played at Sirius Black's lips. "Yes, I forgive you, y/n."

"Good," decided Flitwick. He gathered the class's attention and gave them the homework for the day. The students filed out of the classroom promptly, whispering to each other and stealing glances at y/n, who was officially at her limit.

"Miss y/l/n," called Flitwick. 

James, Remus, Peter, and Sirius had waited behind for their fifth friend, but she rushed them along, not wanting them to see her get embarrassed once more. 

James took the hint and led the others out the door, snapping it shut.

"Sir, I can explain--"

Flitwick held up his hand, silencing her. "There is no need for that. I must say your desire for academic success is truly admirable, but I'm afraid I cannot tolerate the use of such language both in my classroom and at Hogwarts. You are going to endure three days of detention in the library after dinner. Please see Madame Pince immediately after you are finished eating. I will be notified if you skip your sessions."

Y/n was too exhausted and embarrassed to argue. "Yes, sir," she said. She shouldered her bag and quickly exited the classroom.

It was easier to breathe once y/n got out of Charms. After this class, there was a free period which she normally spent with the Marauders. But at this point, she was too angry at Sirius to even look at his face. 

For weeks now he'd been doing this.  Every chance Sirius had, he annoyed y/n. Stealing her stuff; finishing off her dinner when she excused herself to go to the bathroom; the stunt he pulled during Charms. As if he were entitled to that apology. Frankly, y/n was frustrated with Sirius and just wanted him to stop being a dick.

And it's not like she didn't do anything in regards to his behavior. She tried talking to him one-on-one, talking to the other Marauders about it; She chewed him out nearly every day for the shit he pulled, but the attention seemed to only fuel his fire. Sirius Black simply did not care and decided he would do whatever he pleased. 

That was okay for him, but y/n needed a break. Instead of going to the common room where they normally met during their free period, y/n sat herself down underneath a shady tree and opened her books to complete her Charms assignment alone. 


A/N: okay, that was part 2! thank you so much for reading! what do you think? Does Sirius deserve a punch in the face or what?

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