Chapter Two : London

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         Wednesday comes way faster than I wanted it to. As I give the boys instructions for Bailey and the apartment I remember I almost forgot something,
"Where are you going now?" Bella asks as I run back to my room.
       I quickly open my bedside table drawer and take out the faded picture of Pete's Mom. I smile as I look at it one last time before putting it in my pocket and make my way down the hall,
"Alright now I'm ready." I nod in confirmation. I bend down to Bailey who gives me her paw while letting out a whimper, "I know my Bailey, I'll miss you too. But Beau and Gray are here to take care of you. Make sure they stay in line," I give her a little wink, "you're in charge." I smother her head with kisses. "Alright guys, I guess this is it. Thank you so much again for staying her with her and everything and,"
"Of course Ray," Gray cuts me off, "have fun. Relax." I take a deep breath and he pulls me in for a hug.
I then turn to Beau, "Thank you," is all I can say to him as I pull him in for an embrace.
"Be safe okay? And don't go meeting any fancy British guys!"
"No promises!" Bella and I say in unison.
As we make our way out to the car I start to really think. Part of me can't wait to be there, but the other part of me wants to go run back upstairs and tell the boys I'm staying.
"Hey B, I'm gonna check on something real quick, you go ahead to the car. It'll only be a second."
"Alright!" Bella takes my suitcases and makes her way to the car while I turn the other way and make my way to Pete's tent.
"Rayray?" Pete answers from inside the tent. Within seconds there's rustling from the zipper and his face appears, "Ah, Rayray! You came!"
"Of course I came! I said I would."
"Make sure to get me one of those postcards alright? One with the London bridge on it or um, that big clock tower!"
I laugh and shake my head, "Will do Pete. Hey you stay healthy okay? I'll be gone for a couple months so-"
"I'll be fine Baby don't you worry about me, you worry about that flight you gotta catch!" He pulls me in for one last hug.
"I'll have the boys come by and check on you too okay?"
"Oh please, I'm fine." He waves me off but he sees the concern on my face, "I'll miss you suga'."
"I'll miss you too Pete." I give him one last squeeze and make my way to the back of the building.
I get in the driver's seat and put my key in the ignition, putting one hand behind Bella's head rest while I back out of my spot. As we come to a stop at the first light I suddenly remember; Oscar. I look at the clock. There's plenty of time.
"Hey B, you're gonna hate me but I need to make another quick stop." I looked over to her, trying to see if she's annoyed.
"What now?"
"I forgot to see Oscar yesterday," I make the turn for his stand even though Bella hasn't said anything yet.
"If it's Oscar it's fine I guess. Just make it quick okay? If we miss this plane because of you I swear to God." She goes back to looking at her phone.
"Yes, yes I will. Don't worry." I speed up the car a little as we get closer to the street. "Here we are," I say, turning into a bank parking lot. I leave the car running as I hop out of the car and jog my way down the street to get to Oscar's Sunflower stand.
"Oz! Oz!" I call out as I get closer to the stand. I see Oscar drop his book from his hands and look up.
"Ray? Oh my Sunflower!" His eyes light up and his smile grows wide. "I was wondering where you were. Thought you left without saying goodbye."
          I finally made it around the stand to give him a hug, "I would never leave without saying goodbye." I hold onto his torso tight as I dig my head into his chest.
         Oscar is like family to me. The first time my family and I came to vacation in Malibu it was for my parents anniversary. One night my Dad ever took me and my twin sister out to go shopping since no one else would take us. On the way my Dad had to stop at the bank and get out some cash for us and while I was sitting in the car waiting, I noticed a man selling flowers a couple feet away.
         As soon as my Dad got back in the car I begged and begged him to go get a sunflower for me; he agreed. All the sudden as we made our way up there my Dad's eyes lit up and he yelled the name, "Oscar!"
Turns out Oscar was one of my Grandpa's best friends back in High School and when my Dad was born, Oscar was like an Uncle to him. He knew he moved to California, just had no idea it was in Malibu selling flowers. Ever since then, every chance I got I went to get a sunflower from Oscar. By the end of the trip, I had eight in total. So, when I told my parents I wanted to move out here and go to school, they felt better knowing that Oscar was right down the street.
          Now, every chance I get I come to this stand and get eight of the best sunflowers Oscar has that day, and when they die, I have an excuse to come back and see him.
"I'll miss you terribly," He mumbles.
"I know, I'll miss you too. But hey, I'll bring back some English tea for you and Laverne! And I'll try to find a necklace for her too!"
"Aw, thank you Baby. She'd love that." His smile is warm.
"I wish I could stay longer and talk but if we want to make our flight I should get going," I frown and go in for one last hug.
"Alright Ray you stay safe now. Come home to me okay?" He kisses the top of my head as I try to hold back tears. I know I'm only going to be gone for three months but I feel like a lot could happen in just three months.
As I make my way back around the stand I blow Oscar one last kiss before starting to jog back to the car.
"Ray!" Oscar calls out to me, I stop in my tracks, "I forgot to ask! What's your favorite word today!"
I smile at the fact that he remembered, "Moira!" I yell back.
"What does it mean!"
"A person's fate or destiny!" And with that I no longer have the feeling of wanting to stay.
We finally make it on the plane and Bella is already knocked out. Me on the other hand, can't stop thinking. I put in my headphones, grab my journal and pen and open up to the page I was writing in on Monday.
As the music in my ears starts to lightly play I take a deep breath and focus on the words on the page.
My hand shakes as I bring the pen to the paper,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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