Chapter One - Make up

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The evening went from completely uneventful to some of the sweetest moments in your collective life's; Hawks had just gotten back from his agency, you'd just finished up cleaning the mess you'd made in the kitchen from cooking.. and the look in his eyes said enough. Beautiful honey gold eyes were glossy, the sterile white kitchen light bringing out the shine and his brow was furrowed ever so slightly. He was smiling, that signature fake smile you knew and hated beyond belief.

So that just had to end now.

You wiped your hands quickly on the little hand towel before setting its crumpled form on the counter, striding over to meet him. Getting closer only showed more, his hero costume was messy and ruffled, the same going for his wings and hair.. he needed to shower after a little pampering, of course.
His bottom lip stuck out ever so slightly as you raised your hands, gently cupping his wind bitten cheeks, leaning his head immediately into your touch. His eyes snapped shut and he visibly relaxed, releasing a tense, shaky breath he seemed to have been holding in.

No words were needed, the ambience of your apartment room and the bustling city life outside enough background for the quiet embrace he pulled you into. His arms found their way around your waist, palms flat on your lower back as he drew you closer to his body. You could only hope none of the dirt and grime coating his aviator jacket stuck to you, but that didn't need voiced now.
After this.. snark could run free.

You lowered your head, resting your forehead on his shoulder and letting one hand run through his hair, catching on little tangles in his somewhat crispy hair as your other hand mimicked his placement on his lower back. The two of you stayed like that, your fingers carding sweetly and slowly, methodically in his hair as he rubbed his cheek to the side of your head, little rumbling chirrups catching in his throat. You let him break the comfortable moment, he eventually pulled away to roll his shoulders, letting you lean back too and look up at the happier expression he wore. 

He smiled, toothy and eyes half lidded, " Hey baby bird, 'm home." You could only return the smile, taking his hand in yours and toying with his long, gloved fingers. " How's your day been, babe?"

" Same stuff, different day. Then you got home, made everything better." He chuckled, you followed, and he squeezed your hand as you followed it up, remembering your earlier thought, " Ah, but you should go shower. I made dinner, we can eat once you clean up." The pout that followed wasn't going to work, you steeled your expression and he immediately backed down, albeit with a small huff and dramatic roll of his eyes. 

" So cruel, so so cruel. You wound me, dove." He lets his head sag to the side, wings completely lax and his free hand brought up to clutch his chest, right over his heart. You can't help but laugh at the display, his childishness always being something you were fond of and he never seemed to grow out of. Not since you first saw him, not today.
It was just in his nature, and you adored it so.

You catch him smirking, a little chuckle rising in his throat once you look back up, and he tries to play it off but you cut him off, " Shower, then food. It's chicken." His display almost returned but he perks up and closes his mouth the moment he hears that one word, chicken, and his wings even tense up. His feathers tremble, pupils dilated down to a thin slit and you snort, " You are disturbingly feral, you sky rat- hey!"

You don't get a chance to finish the tease, he shuffles his jacket off in an exaggerated hurry and tosses it towards you before kicking his boots off and sprinting down the hall. You catch it at your chest, clutching on it as you glare in his direction, before it simply melts into a small fond smile. Any sane person would think there's something very wrong with him, but this is not new to you at all.

In fact, it's all too common, his playfulness and yes, it can be called stupidity, but its more endearing to you. You love it, unless he's really pushing his luck. This though?

You're used to it, this isn't aggravating and hey, he's showering.

The water turns on down the hall, although you hear a crash and him yelping, and you roll your eyes, putting his jacket in the hamper near the hall. It can get done later, and he can wash it because its beyond filthy, but for now, you focus on getting you both plates of food and setting up the living room to watch whatever can be found on the television for his return. He won't be long, especially not with the promise of hot chicken waiting for him.

With full stomachs and completely bored out of your minds from the droning of some overplayed sitcom on the television, you glance over at him; his eyes are closed and he seems to be slowly falling asleep, slumped back against the back of the couch. But its too early, you're not feeling all too tired and you gently nudge him with your elbow, startling him a little. He huffs, leaning on you and giving a soft hum to show you've got his attention, keeping his eyes closed however.

" Hey, I was just thinking... and I know I'm about two years or so late, but what do you use for your eyes?" He gives a soft grunt in response before his features alternate between thoughtful and surprise, his golden blond brows more animated than usual. Its definitely odd, funny looking at best and you giggle as he sits up, yawning and rubbing at his eyes, really mulling it over. " I didn't expect to get you off guard or stumped like this, wow."

" Nah, it's 'lright, I usually just say its make up anyways." Now that has you curious and puzzled, meeting his tired gold gaze before looking at the little black markings on his face. You'd always assumed he would draw them on flawlessly with a pencil or something but apparently not. He lets you bring your hands up to cup his cheeks, his stubble rubbing against your palm as your pointer finger finds its way up under his eye, running your finger pad over the little marking. His eye doesn't shut, he simply watches as you gently rub at it, even letting your nail touch it light enough not to hurt him. But no give.

It doesn't rub off, the mark perfectly intact right where it always is, no residue on your finger or nail. You give him a puzzled glance, to which he smirks lazily and leans forward to kiss you on the tip of your nose. There's no resistance as you let your hands drop and shift in your spot on the couch, " So... they're natural, huh?" You muse as he yawns again.

" I guess, I honestly dunno. Had'em since I was a fledgling." He hums thoughtfully, " Now you know another little secret, dove. Gimme one of yours, only fair." Its not a demand, more of a soft tease, and you simply smile.

" Those shirts you keep losing? The KFC one and the really really soft light blue tie dye hoodie you have?" He looks at you with wide eyes, excited.

" Yes? You found them?"

You snort, scrunching your nose, " Mm-mm, you dork, I've been taking them to wear." He gasps dramatically like you've told him you killed his pet, so on character for him, a hand to his chest as if to make it more apparent. " Oh hush, I give them back. Sometimes."

" You jerk, I hate that I have to keep looking for those.. but fair trade, I guess. I want the KFC shirt back though." He tries to keep his voice stern, but he fails, you'll give it back to him anyways. He looks good in it, why wouldn't you.

His little pout stays and you lean forward to kiss his cheek, temporarily distracting him as he returns it. " I'm sorry, I'll give it back when its washed. But I definitely know you put on eyeliner. And you're good at it, do you think.. maybe you could do mine like yours?" You inquire a little sheepishly, watching him tilt his head like a puppy rather than a bird. By the gods, he's beyond adorable.

The way his face lights up and his smile returns is damn cute too.

" Oh, who's the dork now, huh?" He chuckles, shifting in his spot to press his forehead to yours. You shrug, closing your eyes with a small hum before he leans back and you do as well. " Let's move to the bathroom if you really want me to give you my marks." He kisses the tip of your nose once more, before slowly getting up, stretching and popping a couple joints as you follow after him.

" I cannot believe you have a blade this close to my face." You murmur softly, sitting damn near perfectly still on the sink counter as he holds one of his primary feathers- the sharp ones, because of course he does this for his own face. He chuckles softly, but keeps working, carefully running the cold tip along your upper eyelid and repeating until he hums with satisfaction. You can't see what he's done but trust him nonetheless, he's done it daily for himself. Its only when he puts the liner to carefully draw on the little eye markings like his.

Neither of you spoke after that, he only hummed softly as he worked with precision, making sure the marks matched up- almost perfectly, he was a little shaky working on another person- before giving an affirmative noise, " Yep. Lookin' sharp, baby bird. Why don't you look for yourself?" You nod, blinking your eyes open slowly before turning to look in the mirror- surely enough, the triangle like marks decorating your eyes look just like his.

A subtle heat rises to your cheeks, whole body overcome with a sweet warmth, even more welcome when his eyes met yours in the mirror, expression softening as tears slowly filled the bottom rim of your eyes. Something about the gesture is just.. alot at once. It's not upsetting, no, gods no, it's so intimate and how he focused on it seemed to get to you.
His eyes widen the moment he notices, capping the liner and moving to reach out to you, " Oh no, I didn't mean to upset you birdie, awe-"

" Oh shush, it's perfect. They're happy tears, relax." You laugh wetly, immediately relaxing him as he sighs with an overexaggerated sagging of his shoulders but he still pulls you to his chest, nuzzling his cheek to your hair. " I really life it, I do." You murmur into his shirt, wrapping your arms around him, " I didn't mean to get emotional, hah. Over something so small."

" Nah, birdie, don't worry." He kisses your temple as he leans back, " We're only human, emotions are normal." You scoff softly, lightly rubbing at your eyes, careful of the newly applied makeup. Another glance in the mirror and you smile, eyes watery and his gaze follows yours, a soft smile on his lips too. " You look good with my marks though, baby bird." Hawks purrs lowly, leaning his head against yours.

" I think you should do this for me again. In return, I'll make or buy you chicken for your lunch." He gasps in excitement immediately, pulling you close and squeezing you, earning a laugh. 
These moments of intimacy were the warmest, you adored the dorky birdman and he adored you.

" Thank you, by the way. For earlier, distracting me.." Hawks starts softly, like he's a bit embarrassed about it, you decide best to not interrupt, there'd be no point anyways. " 'm sorry 'bout my shoes and jacket, I'll clean'em tomorrow." He murmurs, breath warm against your neck. Nothing else needs said, you just rub his back gently and nod, he knows you're not upset at all anyways.

The two of you stay there, eventually chattering lowly amongst yourselves before his exhaustion reappears and the two of you decide its for the best to seek comfort and rest for the night. With soft goodnight's and I love you's exchanged, cuddle up close, and a promise in the future, you drift off to sleep together, the ambience of the city a sweet lullaby.

And of course, he stuck true to his word just like  you stuck true to yours; the promise of chicken upheld later in that evening on his lunch break, while his telltale eye markings were put on you at the crack of dawn. It was an ungodly hour to be awake and worth it to share with him.

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